Pakistan Cyber Force: Pakistani media: Name of a Shame

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pakistani media: Name of a Shame

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The shameless behavior shown by the "Free" media of Pakistan has reached its climax with the influx of many foreign elements in the guise of "all-knowing" journalists. To our media, the obscenity and nudity of bollywood is of more importance than the 135 blessed souls and finest men of Pakistan who were frozen to martyrdom in the extreme weather of Siachin. The media's indifference in this matter was beyond treachery.

While on the other hand the third-class secessionist and nationalist leader of Sindh was given full coverage on his death who lead the political mafia which has always opposed Pakistan and demanded secession. How can we forget that this is the same party that has created No-go areas in interior Sindh spreading regional hatred. The media was literally sounding like "The respected leader of JSQM has tragically died". Giving this much coverage to traitors while ignoring the defenders who laid their life in service of the country is extreme treachery.

On the other hand media never reported that the militants of JSQM forcefully closed down the three major universities of Jamshoro, Liaqat University of Medical Health and Sciences (LUMHS), Sindh University and Mehran University of Engineering and Technology(MUET) and hence hindering the process of education in Interior Sindh's biggest education city and turning it into state-within-state. The students were harassed and would face death threats if they trespassed the limits set by the terrorists. Police as always played the role of silent spectator.

In the meanwhile, the Express Tribune's block-headed pseudo-intellectuals are busy in blathering and distorting the facts and producing articles that can be termed nothing more than rubbish. Personal attacks seems to be the hobby of these fools who are infected with the disease of scarcity of wit. The articles of Express Tribune are often full of fallacies and deception. We hear desperate cries from the liberal-fascists challenging Zaid Hamid for an open debate instead of going into the court. Its very evident that SAFMA's secular terrorists are fearful of going to court as many snakes or I would say Cobras would be undressed if Zaid Hamid's petition is heard.

Similarly, those journalists who were yesterday spitting the venom against Pakistan's armed forces by uttering blatant and baseless lies are today doing exclusive programs and writing articles to pay tribute to Pakistan Army. Is this because of the petition or they want to regain their credibility after being exposed on cyber world comprehensively? Whatever may be the reason, but the height of hypocrisy is very much evident in their erratic behavior. 

Meanwhile, there are some journalists on electronic media who are doing their respective programs while drunk and their tongues are loose due to which they babble rubbish. When the patriots raise finger against them, they term them as 'Jihadies' due to their Islamophobia. Most of these news anchors are "mercenary journalists" who draw their salaries from the USZ state department. The hall of shame of Pakistani media includes many journalists who have their own hidden agenda and busy spreading their own concocted ideology.

You can easily find commoners who celebrate these lunatic journalists without having any insight of their concealed agenda. This reminds me of a so-called hero of Spanish history, El-Cid, who was in reality a mercenary soldier having a capable army. The Muslims and christians would heir him to get his support in the battle. Today the Spanish history is presented to Spaniards after so much distortion that El-Cid is celebrated as a legend. Same is the case with the journalists in Pakistan. Those who pay them more will get their support while the blind followers celebrate them as "Saviors" of "Freedom of Expression"


Faraan Khan

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