Pakistan Cyber Force: Do not repeat the blunders of 1971!

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Pakistan Cyber Force [Official]

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Do not repeat the blunders of 1971!

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Corrupt government, this hostile media, and the massive propaganda waged by the fifth-columnists within Pakistan remind one of 1971 dilemma. Pakistan today is a target of the same “parliamentary democratic imperialism” that was also in existence back in 1971, because of which the whole treachery of the political elite of Pakistan was initiated. The populace of Pakistan realize now that if the traitors who were caught in Agartala conspiracy were punished on the spot, Bangladesh would still have been a part of Pakistan.

Let us now compare the scenario of 1971 with the situation of Pakistan today. There is a corrupt and treacherous regime, that despite realizing all the threats that Pakistan is facing, all the propaganda against the army and ISI, still does not give any heed as it is imposed on us by our enemies sitting in pentagon and as a matter of fact, this government cannot defend the dignity and honour of the nation. Before the Fall of Dhaka, despite the face that Pakistani politicians knew that there are threats from India, they knew that Mukti Bahini is a secessionist group funded and backed by India, they still focused on how to get majority in the upper and lower house and they degraded the Army of Pakistan. This was the reason that they terminated all the cases that were leading to the execution of traitors who were involved in Agartala Conspiracy against the state.

Today, another Agartala Conspiracy has been caught red-handedly. This time it is called the “memo gate scandal”. The government of Pakistan and its ambassador to the US are caught red handed, selling the honor and sovereignty of Pakistan. And yet again, the same old political crap is trying their level best to get the memo gate out of the picture by separating it from the heinous NATO attack on Pakistan Army post. The politicians sell the rhetoric that the only way Pakistan can get out of these problems is a “clear and fair” democracy. Remember, how the same rhetoric was used before Dhaka fell? When Pakistan was divided into two parts on political basis, one headed by Bhutto and the other headed by Mujeeb-ur-Rehman? The elections which are recognized as the most free and fair elections of Pakistan (in which RAW invested its stake on Mukti Bahini terrorists) lead to the division of this Land of Pure, this Madina-e-Sani. Are we still not going to learn from our mistakes?

It is a well-known fact that there was massive propaganda raised against Pakistan army by RAW in East Pakistan by inducing their own professors and lecturer into the educational institutions who imparted the hatred on linguistic basis into the children and youth which became the reason of the rise of negative-sentiments (which is still being sold by so called liberal journalists) and this propaganda resulted in encouraging many Bengali locals to work against Pakistan army which demoralized the army to some extent. Do you not notice the same propaganda today? Don’t we see Indian media accusing ISI of carrying out terrorist attacks in Mumbai? Don’t we see Admiral Mullen accusing ISI of harboring “terrorists” in Pakistan? Don't we see the effects of Operation Blue Tulsi, which was initiated by RAW to indianize the Pakistani media. For instance, just imagine of any news bulletin without having the rubbish of Bollywood. The same crap that was there in 1970s has picked up momentum again, and it has the same agenda; to disintegrate Pakistan into further smaller states which is merely a dream of our enemies.

The enemy is scared of Pakistan because of the following three reasons:
  • The ideology of Islam that resides in the heart of Pakistanis 
  • The emotions, will, strength and determination of the youth of Pakistan 
  • The might of Pakistan armed forces.

A man of Allah had once said, that if you are in search of truth, look at where the enemy’s guns are pointing. Whether it be the memo gate case or Mullen’s propaganda based allegations. Whether it be the Mumbai drama or the OBL fiasco. The enemies of Pakistan are targeting and attacking Pakistan army and ISI, and they are raising anti-army sentiments all across the country to repeat the tragedy of Dhaka. Insha’Allah they will never succeed. This is a war of agencies, on one hand is ISI, on the other is MOSSAD, RAW, MI-6, CIA etc. Its our choice whether we want to be with the guardians of our soil or the blood-thirsty enemies.

As Muslims and Pakistanis, it is our duty not to fall to the propaganda against Pakistan army like our Bengali brothers did 40 years back. It is our duty to stand with our army, shoulder to shoulder, and support our establishment on every front for they are the only guardians of our beloved homeland. We must also persuade the Supreme Court to do justice ruthlessly against the traitors of Pakistan. Only then insha’Allah we will witness the blessings from Allah Almighty.

Edited by: Faraan Khan
Pakistan Cyber Force
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