Pakistan Cyber Force: No concessions for America and NATO - Former DG ISI Gen. Hamid Gul

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

No concessions for America and NATO - Former DG ISI Gen. Hamid Gul

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Lt. General (r) Hamid Gul, Former DG ISI
LAHORE – Former ISI chief General (r) Hameed Gul has outrightly opposed any concession to American and NATO forces in Afghanistan under any pretext and any circumstances. While talking to Daily TheNation, Gul gave his reaction to the recommendations framed by the Parliamentary Committee on National Security on new rules of engagements on war on terror. He said American apology was just nothing as the USZ paid no regard to our Parliament which previously carried several resolutions against the drone attacks and other allied matters but Washington took them with a pinch of salt. He said if this time around any laxity shown to the America on any ground, next time Pakistan would be left with no choice but to follow what America would want of it to make Pakistan to act on its demands even more strictly than what Islamabad had been doing in the past. He said the first target of America was Pakistan and its nuclear assets and next would be Iran. “A weak stand of Pakistan after it has lost the lives of 24 soldiers, will mean less resistance to American demands on Pakistan’s nuclear assets and for giving it ground and bases for attack on Iran,” he added.

He said what America did on Salala check-posts and previous to that in Abbatabad and other parts, was not at all permissible under any law on the earth as well as on moral ground. He said the USZ did all this in face of a strong opposition by the entire nation. He said apology or other things matter when the other side gave you weight and regard which in the case of Pakistan was absolutely zero on the part of America. Gul said a dictatorial and haughty mindset of America could be gauged from the fact that for it Taliban were no more enemy and terrorist and that was why, it was entering negotiation for peace with them but it wanted Pakistan to treat them as enemy and hostile forces so that it remains continuously pitted against Taliban to let each other of the same faith, bleed. As to the present government’s soft stand on America, he said, it was because NRO relief to it came through the deal mediated by America as such the rulers were beneficiary and indebted to the USZ thus they would ultimately look for a way to act according to American wishes.

With reference to a recent gallop report, he said, over 70 per cent people regard America number one enemy of Pakistan and this fact was evident from America undue leaning towards and every benefits and support to India and blood sucking of Pakistan in the name of war on terror. He said it was high time for Pakistan and it should take a firm stand and say good bye to American war on terror and watch its own national interests. Former ISI chief was also furious over giving Most Favourite Nation status to India in the context that India and America were chum and were engaged in Balochistan to slice this part away from Pakistan. He said the rulers must hear loud and clear voice of the entire nation that Pakistan should come of American war and do every thing to force the foreign forces out of the region. Hameed Gul, also a main leader of Pakistan Defence Council, vowed to resist through every democratic means if the government ever tried to resume NATO supplies to Afghanistan and added, the Council would also oppose the army if it joined voice with the government on restoring the supplies.

He said after losing innumerable precious lives and wasting away over $70billion of the nation in the American war and in return getting only risks to its security and integrity, and poverty for the people, we must take a solid stand against America to come of this predicament for which the present was a high time.
(The Nation)
Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force


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