Pakistan Cyber Force: Why are they spraying in the World? - Documentary

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Pakistan Cyber Force [Official]

Monday, August 20, 2012

Why are they spraying in the World? - Documentary

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Why in the World Are They Spraying is the sequel to the ground-breaking film that exposed the reality of chemtrails and geoengineering.

Worldwide the general public is aware that the Earth’s natural weather patterns are being disrupted by man-made influence. The climate change alarmists would have us believe that CO2 is the culprit. However it is obvious that the geoengieering being conducted by various governments and sanctioned by the UN are the actual cause for the unnatural weather we are experiencing.

To combat global warming, they are using solar engineering to whiten skies to reflect sunlight back out into space; however this aluminum aerosol sprayed into the atmosphere causes darkening of the Earth and cools the planet which will have dangerous repercussions.

They are controlling the weather. They are creating the weather. With geoengineering, the natural occurrences of the planet are being created by global Elite in conjunction with certain governments to invent the effects we call global warming. This has a twofold effect:

1. Complete terra-forming of the planet
2. Create climate change which can be blamed on human influence

(Occupy  Corporatism)

Pakistan Cyber Force



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