Pakistan Cyber Force: Taliban Blast NATO's Blatant Lies on Afghanistan

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Pakistan Cyber Force [Official]

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Taliban Blast NATO's Blatant Lies on Afghanistan

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The Zionist General Secretary of NATO (Anders Fogh Rasmussen) painted a false picture about the ongoing situation in Afghanistan in his recent conference held in Brussesls. He stressed and propagated to his allies that the recent attacks by Taliban supposedly have some headline grabbing element to them and that their attacks have fallen by twenty six percent compared to last year!!

Rasmussen depicted the attacks by Mujahideen in Afghanistan as ineffective and pompous at a time when the current year (Badr) operations which began on the 30th April have caused the American and NATO forces incredible destruction militarily and economically which even some American and western sources have described as considerably more oriented and numerous compared to the last couple of years.

The General Secretary of Zionist International Peace Circus, the UN, talking about the strength and operations of Mujahideen addressed the Security Council in a report on 20 September that this year has seen a 40% increase in Mujahideen attacks and said that on average, there have been 2108 attacks every month from Taliban on foreign and internal forces in the first eight months of the current year. So what kind of spin can the confused General Secretary of NATO give to the grief-stricken music coming out from the bases and outposts of the occupying troops, the cries of which awake the villages and communities lying in 5 km radius to them every morning?

The adjacent people can only guess from these screams and shrieks of sorrow the number of their troops killed and the number of coffins on their way back to Bagram!

If the General Secretary of NATO calls the potent and targeted tactic used by Mujahideen in Badr operation, so Mujahideen and civilians can be shielded as headline grabbing then he is contradicting all military norms and belying the people by hiding the sun with 2 fingers. If he is suggesting that attacks have fallen in those areas from where they and their allies have rolled up their presence or in those where the foreign terrorist invaders don’t come out from their bases out of fear of being hunted down then these are successes of Mujahideen, not of NATO.

If Zionist Rasmussen likes this type of achievement then the easy way is by reducing their presence in more areas. Attacks will fall there as well and it will be followed by security. And if Rasmussen and all his allies leave Afghanistan completely then the attacks on them will reach zero and he can propagate the notion even more and say that the number Taliban attacks have fallen further. Fogh must never consider the Jihadi stratagem of Mujahideen and the holing up of NATO forces as the weakening and leveling off in Mujahideen operations but rather he should pay attention to the proficiency and strength of such strikes like how a lone martyrdom seeking Mujahid in Sayedabad district turned a huge American base upside down, killing and wounding nearly two hundred soldiers.

Or, how a courageous ‘Ghazi’ shot down a helicopter in the same district at midnight in which 32 were killed by your own account or the tactic and extraordinary Imaan (faith) displayed by 6 Mujahideen who shook the garrison city of Kabul for 20 hours and fought off thousands of highly equipped NATO, American and mercenaries of the puppet regime while at the same time calmly targeted the important bases and buildings of the occupying forces until all of their ammunition was expended.

Our final suggestion to Zionist Fogh Rasmussen is that his "optimism and judgment" is raw and misleading. Mujahideen, besides standing on the verge of victory in the military field have also broken your backs economically and have made great strides in the political, cultural and social arena. Our popularity amongst the Afghans is so high and vast that now the shouts of Jihad and independence are even echoing from inside the security circles and army of the crumbling Kabul administration and thousands of youth have readied themselves to quit the ranks of the hirelings and join the Mujahideen or carry out effective operations on the terrorist invaders from within the ranks of the army!!

( Afghan Mujahideen Official Website )

Edited by Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force



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