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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Protecting Life, Wealth & Honour of People among Lofty Goals of Jihad - Afghan Taliban

This report was censored on Facebook through PCF Networked Blog. We had to publish it manually after several failed attempts.

One of the biggest factors involved in the coming about of the Islamic movement of Taliban during the year 1994 was because the ordinary Afghans were being killed by unaccountable gunmen, their wealth and honor was usurped and there was no organ to turn to for justice. Each warlord’s whims were his law. The country was divided between feudal sections which posed immense danger to its national unity. Even today, the protection of people’s lives, wealth and honor is an important obligation of Islamic Emirate.

Regarding this issue, the recent report of Zionist United Nations is a political maneuver and part of the propaganda war which is being waged against the Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate while the reality is that the leader of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Mullah Mohammad Omar Mujahid is paying strict attention to the prevention of civilian casualties as the esteemed Commander of the Faithful (may Allah protect him) stated the following in his message on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr in 1432:
You should be very careful about conduct with the common people. Gain the heart of people through good conduct and behavior. Our nation is a Mujahid and Muslim nation. They have made colossal sacrifices in the cause of Islam more than any one else and have passed through sufferings and hardships. You should respect every common individual whether he is an old man, a young , a child or a woman. If you receive any report about a given person, first, make meticulous investigation about him. Never harass people on the basis of fake and biased reports. Pay attention to the good advices and views expressed by the common people. When you face a common man, think if you were a commoner in his place and if you had no weapon, what you would expected him to behave with people. In other words, think if that given person whom you are confronting with, if he was your father, brother or another close relative, how would you behave with him? Mujahideen should always have a conduct of kindness and tenderness with the common man. They should never regard themselves above them.
Do not impose bans or issue orders to people by yourselves unless your leadership has instructed you to do so or your provincial chiefs permitted you to do the task. Otherwise, this will defame the Mujahideen and Jihad. It gives reason to the enemy to launch negative propaganda and create a rift between the people and the Mujahideen. Similarly, you should implement the instructions given to you in consultation with the people of the area and the local religious scholars.
No one affiliated with the Islamic Emirate is allowed to extort money from people by force. If a Mujahid or any one else is found extorting money from national businessmen, landlords and other wealthy men by the barrel of gun or if they are involved in kidnapping people for ransom, they should be prohibited from doing so. If you managed to detain them, administer to them punishment as per the Sharia rules. ( Remember) protection of life and property of people is one of the main goals of Jihad."
The esteemed Commander of the Faithful (may Allah protect him) also issued the following during the occasion of Eid-ul-Odha this year:
Related office and the Cultural Commission should also acquire information from various sources regarding civilian casualties caused by Mujahideen or unknown persons and forward them in written form to the acting authority every so often.
The mentioned guidelines issued by the esteemed and respected Commander of the Faithful (may Allah protect him) is part of the domestic policy of Islamic Emirate and in its light, the Mujahideen not only strive to protect the lives, wealth and honor of ordinary Afghans but also strongly condemn the killing of civilians in Afghanistan and consider it a deplorable act. Similarly, in accordance with these humane and Islamic guidelines, Islamic Emirate considers the killing of innocent civilians in all parts of the world, be they by governments or organizations as injustice and tyranny and Islamic Emirate distances itself from such actions.

Unfortunately some governments and international organizations every now and again, for furthering their political agenda, accuse Islamic Emirate of causing civilian casualties. So we call on those governments and organizations to refrain from slandering Islamic Emirate of things which are contrary with its strategy and domestic policy but rather fingers should be pointed towards those inhumane crimes and genocide which is repeatedly being committed by the Terrorist Invaders in Afghanistan under the banner of ‘war on terrorism’.
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Read text highlighted in Red in all these posts to find out human rights violations committed by foreign Terrorist Invaders in Afghanistan so far in this year:
Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force

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