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May 02, 2012: Green Village carnage, Kabul City |
Martyr attack targeting “Green Village” huge military Camp ends with
success; more than 43 invaders killed KABUL, May 02 - The operation was
planned hurriedly after finding out about Obama’s “surprise visit” to
Afghanistan what was a secret visit about which Mujahideen came to know in
the later hours of last night and as a result, “the Green Village” which is one
of the most important and heavily-guarded military bases of so-called
ISAF, was the quickest target for Mujahideen to smash.
A team of four heroic combatants of Islamic Emirate Ahmad (Parwan province), Muhammad Raza (Kabul), Abdul Bari (Wardak) and Hameed Khan (Takhar), armed with heavy and small arms as well as powerful explosives, stormed the target, the “Green Village” with Ahmad slamming his explosive-laden vehicle at the gate of the base, rocking the entire base and removing all the security checks and barriers besides flattening some of the rooms where a great number of the security guards were based. Several dozen of the USZ-NATO terrorist invaders and their cowardly puppets were killed and dozens wounded.
The remaining three out four martyrdom-seeking Mujahideen, after getting into the base, initiated a severe fight with rockets, heavy and light machine guns, hand grenades and explosive vests till 10 a.m. local time, targeting those inside and killing at least 34 USZ-NATO terrorist invaders including officers and soldiers as well as taking out more than 9 puppet security guards. The operation came as a response to Obama’s visit to Afghanistan and was one of the worst single-day losses for the USZ-NATO terrorist invaders after Kabul operation involving a series of deadliest attacks on main ISAF terrorist base, and a series of terrorist embassies, stooge parliament, stooge presidential house and a number of the enemy’s military bases and posts in Kabul city.
It is known to all that no civilian can show up even hundreds of meters away from any military facility particularly in such a military facility with extreme strategic importance, no way! Thus the international Zionist Mainstream Media's baloney of civilian casualties is absolutely false and everyone knows it. The lethal blow to supposed ISAF was a message to Obama that the real Afghan are not those who sign the pact of slavery and selling out their land, contrarily, the true Afghans are those who never let such conspiracies happen, and root out all such nasty plots and ploys of the enemy by dealing deadliest blows to the invading enemy. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, in this way, vows to continue to deal far more rigorous and fatal blows to the enemy and foil its every conspiracy in order to defend the Afghans’ beloved country and safeguard its sovereignty and honor.
Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force