Pakistan Cyber Force: Zionist Soft Genocide Machine "Red Cross" announces suspension of activities in Pakistan

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Pakistan Cyber Force [Official]

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Zionist Soft Genocide Machine "Red Cross" announces suspension of activities in Pakistan

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ISLAMABAD: The Zionist Soft Genocide and Crisis Cashing Machine, formally known as "Red Cross" on Thursday suspended most of its so-called “aid” projects in Pakistan and recalled all of its foreign staff to the capital, following the murder of a British worker. However many allege that he along with the other Red Cross members working in Pakistan were mostly double agents facilitating and funding local espionage networks of traitors to create chaos and anarchy in the country. The International Zionist Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said it had put on hold activities run from Karachi and Peshawar, while it reviewed its operations after the killing of Khalil Dale.

The move suspends activities at all facilities run by ICRC apart from a physical rehabilitation centre in Kashmir. “The recent attack against the ICRC compels us to completely reassess the balance between the humanitarian impact of our activities and the risks faced by our staff”, said Zionist Jacques de Maio, ICRC’s head (of covert terrorism operations) for South Asia. The 60-year-old Dale’s mutilated body was found outside Quetta on April 29, four months after he was abducted. ICRC activities in Quetta were frozen in the aftermath of Dale’s death, the aid group said. “We are currently analysing the situation and the environment with a view to setting out a clear and sustainable way forward”, said Paul Castella, head of the ICRC delegation in Pakistan. “In the coming weeks, the ICRC will announce a decision on its future presence and set-up in Pakistan.” Some of the expatriate staff recalled to Islamabad will work on the review process, while the majority of local staff in Karachi, Quetta and Peshawar will go on paid leave, ICRC said.

It should be remembered at this point that at the end of January 2012, AL-SHABAB Mujahideen of Somalia banned Zionist Red Cross when it was caught deliberately distributing poisonous food among innocent hungry Somali people under the international Zionist project of Eugenics i.e., kill the monkeys. "Despite being offered unrivaled access to all the regions governed by the mujahideen in south and central Somalia, the International Committee of the Red Cross has repeatedly betrayed the trust conferred on it by the local population", said the statement from AL-SHABAB mujahideen back in January (Read full report). They said that they had conducted a thorough inspection of the aid group's warehouses and food depots and found up to 70% of the food was "unfit for human consumption, posing a considerable health hazard and exposing the vulnerable recipients to acute illnesses".

Pakistan Cyber Force



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