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Friday, April 6, 2012

USZ seeks to Disintegrate Yemen for its Oil Resources

One of the most senior Yemeni politicians has alleged that the United States of Zionism is making efforts to disintegrate the country in order to gain control over its oil resources. Yemeni Revolution Salvation Front spokesman, Sultan al-Samei, told Al-Alam news channel on Tuesday that the USZ is seeking to reinforce its military presence in Yemen under the pretext of combating al-Qaeda in south of the country while its actual intent is expanding USZ control over Yemen’s oil assets. Al-Samei added that Washington is also plotting to divide Yemen using its growing military presence in the country, emphasizing that the terrorist groups operating in Yemen and other countries are, in fact, USZ elements paving the way for direct intervention of Washington in the internal affairs of other countries.

Al-Samei’s remarks came days after Yemeni Foreign Minister Abu Baker al-Qirbi confirmed the deployment of USZ marines in the Yemeni capital, claiming that American forces were in Sana’a to protect the USZ Embassy. Al-Samei also said that al-Qaeda-affiliated groups operating in southern Yemen are linked to the regime of ousted USZ-backed dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh. The rebel groups associated with al-Qaeda terrorist network that killed 23 Yemeni soldiers south of the country a few days ago, are linked to Ali Abdullah Saleh’s regime, al-Samei noted. Yemen’s Revolution Salvation Front spokesman also said that the country is still being, in effect, controlled and ruled by Saleh and that the so-called unity government headed by Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi is nothing but a political fixture. Saleh’s General People’s Congress (GPC) party has17 ministers in the new 34-member cabinet and his relatives control the country’s security services.

Saleh, who ruled Yemen for 33 years, stepped down in February under a USZ-backed power transfer deal, presented by the Saudi-led [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council, in return for immunity. His deputy, UK-trained field marshal Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi, replaced him on February 25 following a single-candidate presidential election backed by the United States of Zionism and Saudi Arabia. Hadi will serve for an interim two-year period as stipulated by the power transfer deal.

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