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Friday, April 6, 2012

SAFMA Case: “SAFMA has launched 4th Generation War against Pakistan”: Ahmad Raza Qasoori

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    South Asia Free Media Association keeps watch regarding seven countries of the world but only speaks against Pakistan and its armed forces.“These people are being funded with hundreds of thousands of Rupees from abroad. The media information war which is the fourth generation war has been staged against Pakistan”, says senior lawyer Ahmed Raza Qasoori while talking to Daily Azkar.

    Ahmad Raza Qasoori
    Supreme courts senior advocate Ahmed Raza Qasoori has said that our petition against Safma will prove to be a bigger case than Memo gate in the history of Pakistan.Why is it that safma operates and keeps watch about seven countries of the world but maligns only Pakistan and its armed forces .Ahmed Raza Qasoori, the barrister representing Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid the flag bearer of Takmeel-e-Pakistan and Khilafat-e Rashida, has filed a petition in the Supreme Court of Pakistan in which he has accused the organization of SAFMA for fighting a war against the ideological foundations of our country and our armed forces and he has appealed to start proceedings against safma leadership as guilty of high treason.

    This includes distinguished journalists, anchor persons and intellectuals whose names were published in yesterdays issue of “Azkar”. Last night while talking to “Azkar”, Ahmed Raza Qasoori stated that South Asia Free Media Association operating in each of the seven SAARC countries keeps an eye on all of them but persists in consistently maligning Pakistan and its armed forces. Why is it that SAFMA never criticized India and its armed forces for a change?
    When Ahmed Raza Qasoori was inquired as to whether this case will be accepted for legal proceedings,he responded in affirmative saying, "definitely yes because this will be a bigger case than memo gate as it has put our national security at stake”. Ahmed Raza Qasoori accused further that safma is being funded with hundreds of thousands of Rupees from abroad which is a bribe for their propaganda against Pakistan and its armed forces. He said that the world knows that in the past I have taken up cases and made decisions that were in the best interest of the country and the nation. He stated that the 4G war has started against Pakistan and we have to counter it and foil it. India's war strategy of cold start is also being imposed upon us and we will continue our efforts to counter it.

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