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Monday, April 9, 2012

USZ Credit Rating falls from AA+ to AA; Obama orders Media Blackout

A shattering report from RIA Novosti’s Washington D.C. bureau appears to prove that the mainstream press in America has become nothing more than a propaganda arm of the Obama regime when during a White House news briefing this past week they were effectively ordered not to report on this past weeks credit rating cut of USZ government debt. The Russian International News Agency (RIA Novosti) is a Russian state-owned news agency based in the capital Moscow whose clients include the presidential administration, Russian government, Federation Council, State Duma, leading ministries and government departments, administrations of Russian regions, representatives of Russian and foreign business communities, diplomatic missions, and public organizations.

The White House news briefing referred to in this report occurred this past Thursday (5 April) when Obama regime officials were queried about the latest shock downgrade of the United States of Zionism's credit rating stating that to the American people this critical event should be kept in the category of a “non-story” so as not to confuse and/or shock them. Most surprisingly, this report continues, the mainstream USZ news media, including their most important television networks and major newspapers, dutifully followed the directives of the Obama regime and failed to uniformly inform the American people of this momentous event. Credit rating agency Egan Jones (EJRdowngraded the United States Thursday on concern over the sustainability of public debt. Egan Jones is one of the most important ratings firms in the world; they lowered the USZ credit level from AA+ to AA. The firm reduced the USZ from AAA to AA+ in July 2011, just before Standard & Poor’s did the same.

Egan Jones further warned: “Without some structural changes soon, restoring credit quality will become increasingly difficult.” They added that there was a 1.2% probability of USZ default in the next 12 months.  The company cited the fact that the USZ’s total debt, which now equals its total GDP, is rising and soon will eclipse the national GDP; the company sees the debt rising to 112% of the GDP by 2014. So dire have economic conditions become in the United States of Zionism that American freelance alternative press online columnist Allen Roland stated to Press TV this past week that the United States of Zionism is experiencing a deep depression and cited the following facts:
“Reality is finally coming to the surface. The stock market is not the American economy. Eighty percent of the stock market is basically high frequency trading of the big boys playing games with their money.
And 61 percent of the American debt is being bought by, guess who? The Fed (US Federal Reserve Bank) – So we’re printing money. So let me give you the raw economic numbers, which basically what this is telling us – raw economic numbers about the American economy:
38 percent of all Americans are either considered to be low income or living in poverty; 57 percent of all children in the US are living in homes that are either considered to be low income or impoverished; the average amount of time a worker stays employed in the USZ is now over 40 weeks and according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 16.6 million Americans were self-employed in 2006; today that number is 14.5 million.”
Most astounding to note in these horrible statistics about the USZ economy are that they are apparently welcomed by Obama who yesterday stated about the weekly jobs report: “We welcome today’s news that our businesses created another 121,000 jobs last month, and the unemployment rate ticked down…” Failing to be mentioned by Obama, or his propaganda mainstream press corps lap-dogs, was that the only reason the USZ unemployment rate was able to be tagged lower was due to the record number of 88 million Americans dropping out of the work force because there are no jobs for them. To how the Obama regime is really dealing with the catastrophic rate of unemployment, aside from keeping the American media from telling the truth, appears to be through mass arrests of those who dare to protest, and as of 29 March showed nearly 7,000 USZ citizens jailed for protesting in at least 113 separate cities.

Even worse, new reports from the United States of Zionism are further warning that a new wave of home foreclosures is underway that will rival the upheaval seen by those who lived through the Great Depression of the 1930’s. To how the Obama regime will deal with future instability caused by unprecedented economic dislocation and chaos Americans are being warned that their police forces have now adopted Israhelli techniques which, in essence, labels all protesters as terrorists while at the same time the USZ Department of Homeland Security is still refusing to say why they ordered 450 million rounds of ammunition. One of the rare exceptions to those American media organizations doing lap-dog service for the Obama regime is the highly respected lawyer and New York Times best selling author Glenn Greenwald who in his latest article in Salon Magazine writes: “The uncritical relationship and overlapping functions of government officials and establishment media organs are more severe than ever.”

Most sadly in all of these events, the once great United States of Zionism, whose press freedoms were once legendary, has been placed at No. 47 on the world’s press freedom index by the internationally respected Reporters Without Borders (RSF) organization in a stunning move reflecting how deprived of real truth the American people truly are. The American Founding Father Thomas Jefferson once warned his fellow citizens, “Our liberty cannot be guarded but by the freedom of the press, nor that be limited without danger of losing it.” With that warning going unheeded, however, the quote of the great American author Mark Twain seems to be the more appropriate one to use for this American generation, “There are laws to protect the freedom of the press’s speech, but none that are worth anything to protect the people from the press.”
(What does it mean)
Mildly edited by Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force

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