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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Express Tribune and Bullshit go in Parallel - Zaid Hamid haunts Secular Terrorists

Some more space on the Express Tribune filled with sheer despicable content . As I opened the link, I was (not) amazed to see the attached picture; a pyramid with an eye inside. Of course, this is what the Express Tribune works for.  The writer who I believe represents the Secular scoundrels as a whole has quoted George Orwell with the following saying:

“In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

And this is precisely why Zaid Hamid Sahab's picture was cropped and attached inside the Illuminati symbol of an eye within a pyramid - This was a sickening personal attack of course - and of course only because the person speaks truth bluntly.

Often when I skim through the Express Tribune work, a wonderful quotation echoes my mind and this time it left everlasting print:
If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit!
As I scrolled down through the piece of  stinking garbage, I fancied, how the people are deemed to believe on lies blindly. Instead of putting forth factual evidences and historical facts, the Secular maniacs of Express Tribune, SAFMA scoundrels and their likes have adopted a very lame and dumb way to defend themselves. And that is, attacking the individual, mocking the facts and true evidences he puts forth and distorting the facts according to their own vested interests. This is what their "Freedom of Expression" teaches them. I assume, these so called secular pseudo intellectuals are the most enslaved creatures on Earth who can not even preserve their own Freedom of Expression and ridicule it to such a low level that it only becomes a way of firing and bombarding their fellow contemporaries.

Firstly, the dumb writer, the lies propagator Jahanzaib Haque and the home of the scolded faggots; the Express Tribune should give a hint where was respected Zaid Hamid humiliated on the Kamran Shahid Show even in the remotest sense? The so called dumb scholars like Hasan Nisar and the scolded faggot Ali Chishti have no ethics at all to debate with logic and facts. Zaid Sahab was the only honorable guest, a voice of every patriotic Pakistani and a person with bold eloquence on that very show.  Secular maniacs use their one and only feeble tool when they are left with nothing but vacuum, i.e., baseless mockery and sarcasm followed by personal attacks. And this is what the rest of the article is repleted with.

Secondly it's a blatant lie when the secular dogs allegedly accuse Pakistan Cyber Force for being backed by Zaid Hamid or any agency. This is complete non sense and has no truth to back itself. PCF is only a team of humble volunteer Patriots who are bold enough to raise their voice against prevalent nuisance and homosexual wives of the Anti-Christ.

Thirdly, when the secular scoundrels shamelessly raise the slogans of "difference of opinions", they should NOT forget the ethics and morals  that they are supposed to adhere to being a responsible citizen of the state. No nation on Earth ridicules their own founding fathers and their ideology which forms a bastion of their existence. Even the EU doesn't give a free hand to speak against the Holocaust event. Somethings are there beyond compromise. You don't sell or break your country only under the garb of "Difference of Opinion"!

Fourthly: I wonder why the newly turning Secular maniacs, identity-less souls are obsessed with the term "Conspiracy Theory". Even the people of West, of course the sensible ones are well aware of these disguised global agendas in the making and express sheer amazement when they see someone oblivious of these conspiracy theories cum realities. It's very depraved to stay in a fool's paradise closing your eyes to everything that might sense scary to you.

And the article goes on repleted with nuisance. The substandard version of pile of foul smelling filthy has nothing like a 'fact', an 'evidence' for a counter argument. It has only quoted the petitioner's phrases individually and presented with obnoxious satire. This of course shows that they don't have enough truth to back their claims, other wise this hadn't been the case. They would have come forward with a sensible, healthy counter argument instead of loathsome personal attacks on the individual.

The enemies of Islam have been set on fire indicating they have been hurt where it hurts the most. Alhumdulillah!
Quaid-e-Azam (r.a) slams Secular Terrorists & RAW's Media Snakes

Quaid-e-Azam (r.a): “Pakistan should be based on Pure Foundations of Islamic Socialism”
Xharaf Vsm
Pakistan Cyber Force

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