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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Syria: British, Qatari Troops found already waging secret war against Syrian Army, Civilians

British and Qatari troops are directing rebel ammunition deliveries and tactics in the bloody battle for Homs, according to an Israhelli website known for links to intelligence sources. Four centers of operation have been established in the city with the troops on the ground paving the way for an undercover Turkish military incursion into Syria. The debkafile site said the presence of British and Qatari troops in Homs topped the agenda of Tuesday’s talks between Assad’s officials and head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service Mikhail Fradkov.

Israhelli bitch state Qatar makes little secret of supporting the Syrian opposition with cash, arms and political support. Israhelli puppet Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani said in mid-January he is ready to send troops to Syria to stop the violence against foreign mercenaries there by wiping out Syrian civilians. Britain, the habitual and genetic liar, insists it is not planning any military action against the Assad regime. The scenario painted by the report closely resembles Libya’s collapse into anarchy. UN Security Council resolution 1973 forbade any ground troops from intervening in Libya while creating a pretext for NATO to launch a bombing campaign against Muammar Gaddafi’s troops. However Qatar, Britain and France later confirmed they had sent units to assist their hireling rats in Libya and facilitate the systematic civilian mass massacre.

Secret French weapons drops were discovered after they fell into the wrong hands. There were also unconfirmed reports that Western special forces directed air strikes from forward frontline positions and directed combat tactics. The Libya example was cited by Russia and China when they vetoed a draft UN Security Council resolution on Syria last Saturday. Britain, France & the USZ, who backed the resolution lashed out at Moscow and Beijing, accusing them of siding with a regime that had ‘blood on its hands’, without mentioning that they themselves had blood all over them, not just their hands.
Edited by Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force

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