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Thursday, February 9, 2012

276 USZ-led Terrorist Invaders, 140 Puppets Killed; 22 Tanks, Choppers wrecked - Afghan Operation Badar(5 - 8 Feb, 2012)

Operation Badar Reports (Afghanistan)
(05-08 Feb, 2012)

These reports have been received from Mullah Mohammad Omar's official spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesman of Islamic Emirate Qari Yousuf Ahmadi as well as some other on-ground sources in Afghanistan which include several cowardly hireling puppet regime sources. War crimes committed by USZ, NATO and their cowardly hireling puppets have been highlighted in red below.

  • 05 February: On Saturday evening, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the NATO terrorist invaders base in Tagab, Kapisa province, firing missiles at the enemy base, two of which struck their desired target taking out one and a half dozen terrorist invaders on the spot and fatally wounding scores others on Sunday.
  • A French terrorist invader was reported dead in Kapisa province later on Sunday morning. According to a report, the French terrorist invader, while on watch duty near the base was sniped and killed on the spot.
  • 06 February: At least 5 NATO terrorist invaders were killed today in an attack carried out by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate on the enemy army base in Tagab, Kapisa, a Mujahideen official said on Monday. 
USZ military vehicle beautified by a horrible IED blast

  • 05 February: A report indicates that on Sunday a remote-controlled bomb set off by Mujahideen, blew apart one of the NATO tanks in Khogaini district of Nangarhar province. All 6 terrorist invaders traveling in the tank were reported dead and the tank was blown to pieces in the powerful explosion. The dead and wreckage of the tank was transferred form the site, while the area remained cordoned off for two hours. 
  • 07 February: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Nangarhar Mohmand Darah district attacked the hireling puppet outposts last night at about 9:00 p.m. local time, the report indicates, but gave no further details on the casualties. 
  • A USZ helicopter crashed into a mountain on Monday while hovering over a village in Khogaini district of Nangarhar province to look for Mujahideen, a Mujahideen official said on Tuesday, adding that the helicopter caught fire in mid air after it was attacked by a brave Mujahid and fell to the ground, the wreckage of which is still lying at the scene. All 20 terrorist invaders onboard the helicopter are said to have been killed in the incident. The crash occurred following a bomb attack that hit and destroyed a terrorist invaders' armored patrol tank, leaving 6 terrorist invaders on board dead. Shortly after the incident, ambulances approached the area to evacuate the dead terrorist invaders.
  • 08 February: At least four puppet border policemen of the hirelings got killed when their speeding vehicle overturned in Khogaini district of Nangarhar province on Tuesday, a report said.
  • 05 February: USZ terrorist invaders and their hireling puppets suffered heavy casualties during all day fighting with Mujahideen which broke out on Saturday afternoon in Nahr Siraj’s Maktab area in which heavy weapons were used. Reports add that some 11 USZ terrorist invaders and 18 of their hireling puppets have so far been killed throughout today in various battles across the above mentioned area.
  • Officials from Sangin district state that 2 puppet police officers surrendered themselves and their weapons to Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate yesterday in Zardreigi area. Meanwhile another clash also took place in Simiti Pla area, located near the site of the others clash, killing 7 cowardly puppets and hurting scores others. No Mujahideen were hurt in the firefight, according to officials.
  • 06 February: At around 02:00 pm yesterday, USZ terrorist invaders landed by helicopters in Walghor Karez area of Nawzad district to raid Mujahideen positions, triggering a deadly 1 hour firefight in which 4 terrorist invaders were killed and 2 others wounded. Officials add that the terrorist invaders later landed their helicopters near a house in Barang Karez area after fleeing the battle scene and detained 3 innocent locals.
  • 2 hireling puppet troops were killed and another 2 wounded at around 08:00 am on Sunday when a mine placed on the road between Popalzo and Durahi areas of Nahr Siraj detonated on them as they tried to defuse it. 
  • Mujahideen from Nawzad district report that a puppet police officer surrendered to them in Jazi Karez area yesterday morning and also gave up his weapon.
  • In Wali Muhammad Khan Karez area near Nawzad district center, a vehicle of ANA puppets was obliterated by a powerful landmine, instantly killing all 6 hireling puppets onboard at 11:00 am today.
  • A USZ terrorist invader standing outside his tank in Nad Ali’s Mominano Charahi area was shot dead by a sniper at 11:00 am this morning. 
  • A USZ military convoy travelling through Piegul area near Daisho district center struck landmines at around 01:00 pm today, leaving 3 tanks wrecked as well as killing all 17 terrorist invaders onboard.
  • Officials from Daisho district say that 2 more USZ tank from the military convoy which was passing through Piegul area near the district center were blown apart 2 hours after the initial blasts which took out 3 others tanks at around 01:00 pm today whereas the sixth tank was blown apart similarly in the later afternoon time. All 16 terrorist invaders onboard the tanks were killed.
  • 07 February: Officials from Kajaki district say that heavy fight has been taking place near Gandumrez bazaar of the district between Mujahideen and USZ terrorist invaders. The fight unfolded when the enemy troops that landed by helicopters in the area to carry out an operation came under a large scale attack. Fresh details arriving from the area indicate that the cowardly enemy tried to take refuge in an empty but booby trapped house when mines detonated on them, leveling the house to the ground as well as killing some 26 terrorist invaders on the spot.
  • 2 USZ tanks were obliterated by a landmines on Sunday, killing all 12 terrorist invaders onboard as the enemy military convoy was struck while passing through Karez Safid area of Nawzad district.
  • Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate based in Kajaki district say that another heavy firefight has erupted in the district’s Azan Nawa area when another group of USZ terrorist invaders landed by helicopters in the area at 04:30 pm and immediately came under armed attacks. The first clash broke out this morning and is still ongoing in the district’s Gandum Karez area. More details about both of the incidents will be updated later.
  • In Landi area, Khan-e-Sheen district, a USZ terrorist invaders tank was blown apart by an IED, killing all 6 terrorist invaders onboard at 10:00 am this morning, officials said adding that this tank belongs to the same military convoy of which 6 tanks were eliminated in Daisho district yesterday.
  • 08 February: Mujahideen officials say that a fierce fight which broke out yesterday morning near Gandumrez bazaar of Kajaki district has carried into its second day, adding that heavy weapons have been used in the battle from which so far 7 terrorist invaders have been killed whereas 2 Mujahideen have also been slightly injured. Report will be updated as more details arrive.
  • A USZ tank coming out of its outpost was struck by a roadside bomb in Safar area of Gerimsir district, killing all 6 terrorist invaders inside at around 11:00 am yesterday.
  • Earlier today at around 10:00 am, USZ terrorist invaders entered Spin Masjid area of Nad Ali district to carry out an operation when they were targeted by landmines, leaving 2 tanks wrecked as well as killing all 11 terrorist invaders onboard who were later airlifted by the enemy however the wreckages are still lying at the scene.
  • A USZ tank was destroyed when an IED struck the enemy patrol, killing all 6 terrorist invaders inside at around 02:00 pm today in Daisho district’s Piegul area.
  • 05 February: A 2 hour clash erupted yesterday in Maiwand district when Mujahideen ambushed the foot patrol of USZ terrorist invaders yesterday. Report adds that 8 USZ terrorist invaders were killed in the gunfight whereas 10 others received fatal wounds before the remaining enemy fled the battlefield as per their trademark cowardice.
  • Some 5 hireling puppet troops were killed and their vehicle destroyed late yesterday afternoon when a landmine in Maiwand’s Khogyano village struck their patrol.
  • On later Saturday, Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate using heavy weapons carried out an armed attack on 3 USZ bases located in Zhiri’s Sanghisar area, reports say, adding that the bases were annihilated and a total of 14 USZ terrorist invaders were taken out in deadly strikes. Reports add that several logistics and surveillance vehicles parked inside the bases were also taken out during the deadly attacks.
  • In Nada area, Maiwand district, a tank of USZ terrorist invaders was torn apart by a landmine, killing all 6 terrorist invaders onboard yesterday afternoon.
  • Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate killed 4 puppet policemen and wounded several others during a 3 hour clash with the enemy triggered by an ambush on the enemy patrol at around 11:00 am today.
  • 06 February: Some 6 USZ terrorist invaders were killed on Sunday afternoon in Maiwand’s Zobar area when a roadside bomb ripped through their tank.
  • A landmine struck and destroyed their vehicle of a local police commander (Musa Kaleem) in Salawar Hadera area of Dand district at 06:00 pm yesterday, killing 4 hireling puppets onboard however the fate of the commander is not yet known.
  • A USZ tank was targeted and blown apart by Mujahideen using a landmine yesterday at 04:00 pm, killing all 6 terrorist invaders onboard in Garmawok’s Chini Manda area, Maiwand district.
  • Cowardly USZ terrorist invaders arrested and took away 3 innocent civilians after a night raid on local compounds in Band Taimoor’s Uthman Khel Karez area, Maiwand.
  • 07 February: There are reports arriving from Kandahar city which state that Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate took over a police check post after entering it at 09:00 pm last night. As per details, the operation commenced when a police officer who was in contact with Mujahideen paved the way for them to enter inside the check post located in Bostan Karez area (counted as a part of Daman district) after which all 9 hireling puppet policemen inside, including their commander were shot dead at point blank range. It is said that Mujahideen later transferred the contact officer, 9 Kalashnikovs, 1 heavy machine gun, 1 mortar, 1 RPG, 2 PK machineguns, 1 vehicle and a huge amount of other equipment to their bases before burning the check post to the ground.
  • Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate initially ambushed the patrol of puppet civil order police in Malangyano village, located near Zhiri district center after which multiple IEDs detonated on the enemy while retreating from the area. Officials say that signs from the site indicate that several hireling puppet troops were killed in the successful operation including their leading officer however exact death toll could not be figured out due to the presence of only scattered limbs and no complete bodies. Witness however say that as many as 15 to 20 puppets were among the dead.
  • Puppet hireling troops suffered heavy casualties on later Monday afternoon when a mine detonated on them while coming under a Mujahideen ambush near Zangawat’s Balambi Chawk area, Panjwaee.
  • 08 February: All 6 terrorist invaders onboard their tank were killed when it got blown to pieces by a landmine on later Tuesday afternoon in Garmawok area of Maiwand district.
  • A hireling puppet was killed and 2 others severely wounded at around 04:00 pm yesterday when Mujahideen ambushed them in Kala Shamir’s Bacha Agha Gudar area, Maiwand.
  • Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate killed 2 USZ terrorist invaders using a remote-controlled mine in Panjwaee district’s Doaab area when the enemy troops landed in the area by helicopters on Monday night to carry out an operation. The enemy fled the area after taking on the casualties.
  • Some 6 hireling puppet police were killed at 09:00 am today when 2 mines simultaneously hit and destroyed their vehicle in near Bilandi village of Dand district. Witnesses from the area add that after the blast, 2 locals arrived at the scene to carry away parts of the wreckage when enemy helicopters shot and martyred them on the spot.
USZ Terrorist Invaders desperately trying to find Mujahideen Planted IEDs
  • 08 February: On Tuesday, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate killed a hireling puppet officer known as Patang in a guerrilla attack near Kabul city, the capita of the country.
  • 05 February: At least 3 hireling puppets of NDS (local intelligence) were killed and 3 others wounded at around 03:00 am local time during an ambush on their convoy in Gulistan district’s Qambiran area, officials said adding that a Mujahid was also martyred in the operation (may Allah accept him). 
  • IEDs placed on Kandahar-Herat main highway in Farah Rod district struck the military convoy of hireling troops this morning at 09:00 am, leaving 2 vehicles wrecked as well as killing all 18 hireling puppets onboard.
  • 05 February: In Samangan province’s Tashqurghan district, a group of unidentified armed men killed a man and woman in a house last night, the report said, adding that the cause of the killing is not clear yet. The man is said to have been working for the local puppet militia in the area.
  • 06 February: A bomb blast in Lwarh Darwaishan area near Terenkot city hit and destroyed an ISAF tank yesterday afternoon, killing all 6 terrorist invaders inside.
  • 08 February: A roadside bomb planted in Durahi area near Delaram district center tore apart a vehicle of hireling troops yesterday afternoon, killing all 6 onboard.
  • A NATO fuel tanker caught fire while another rolled over in Durahi area near Delaram district center when the enemy convoy was initially struck by an IED and then came under an armed attack at 01:00 pm today however the number of enemy casualties caused is not known at the moment.
  • 06 February: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the USZ terrorist invaders' army Camp with missiles and mortars last night. At least five rounds hit the target and destroyed as many as 13 USZ terrorist invaders instantly, the report said, adding that as many as 8 enemy vehicles parked inside were also left wrecked.
  • 07 February: A dozen of the NATO terrorist invaders and 10 of their hireling puppets were reportedly dead in a bomb attack in Ali Shir district of the province on Tuesday.
  • 06 February: The cowardly terrorist invaders, in daytime raid in Kunduz city, the capital of Kunduz, in what was the invasion of the civilians burst into a house, mercilessly brutalized men and women alike and then abducted two innocent civilians on Monday after horribly beating down on their young children, leaving them severely bleeding and weeping.
  • 07 February: A heavy fight was reported between two groups of ANA puppets in the capital of Kunduz province on Tuesday afternoon. The fight continued for about an hour ended up killing one hireling puppet and wounding several more.
  • 06 February: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in the province's Watapur district fought the NATO terrorist invaders and their cowardly puppets later on Monday. Some 5 NATO terrorist invaders and 7 of their cowardly puppets have been reportedly killed during a one-hour long firefight.
  • 08 February: As many as 12 mortar and artillery rounds shot off by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate hit the army outpost of ANA in the district of Marawara, Kunar province on Wednesday, the report said but gave no further information on the casualties.
  • A heavy fight was reported in Kunar province’s Manugi district on Wednesday. The fight resulted from an ambush attack on the joint NATO-Afghan cowards while on patrol mission in the outskirts of this district and continued for about an hour killing about half dozen of the terrorist invaders and 5 of their puppets.
  • A report indicates that on Wednesday Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the enemy’s outpost in the As’d Abad city, the capital of Kunar province leaving 6 hireling puppets dead.
  • 5 NATO terrorist invaders and 3 of their cowardly puppets were killed in an encounter with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate on Wednesday. The team was doing a combined patrol in Watapur district of the province when it fell into Mujahideen ambush prompting a half-hour long fight that ended up killing the above mentioned 8 joint enemy soldiers.
  • 07 February: 2 missiles fired by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate at 10:00 pm last night slammed inside Shindand airbase however the losses caused are not known.
  • 2 hireling puppet policemen were severely wounded in Shindand district’s Zirkoh area when a bomb hit their motorbike at 08:00 am today. 
  • 07 February: A report indicates that some 7 NATO terrorist invaders got killed in an attack helicopter crash in Sarhawza district of Paktika province attributed to bad weather. However, the dead were airlifted from the area shortly afterwards.
  • 07 February: All 6 USZ terrorist invaders onboard their tank were killed on Tuesday when their armored tank fell off the mountain in Shinwari District of Parwan province. The wreckage of the tank still exists in the site.
  • 07 February: An American terrorist invader was shot dead in the eastern Ghazni province today. A Mujahideen officials said on Tuesday that a group of USZ terrorist invaders were dong a foot patrol in Andar district of Ghazni province when a Mujahid sniper shot one of the terrorist invaders and killed him on the spot while the remaining cowardly terrorist invaders fled the scene and hid in the bushes nearby. The terrorized terrorist invaders were reportedly not seen again and are thought to be hiding in the same bushes out of fear of Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate.

    Compiled by Faraan Khan, Enticing Fury
    Edited by Enticing Fury, Habibullah Khan
    Pakistan Cyber Force

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