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Saturday, September 24, 2011

India stopped from building Kishan Ganga Dam by International Court of Arbitration (ICA)

ISLAMABAD - The International Court of Arbitration (ICA) on Saturday issued an interim order, stopping India from going ahead with the controversial project of Kishanganga Dam, reported private TV channels. Under the ICA order, India will not construct a permanent structure over River Neelum or at the site of Kishanganga, according to a statement issued by Presidential Spokesman of Pakistan. India will not go ahead with building a structure that may affect the flow of water stream, the spokesman said. He further said that Pakistan had sought from India an undertaking for construction in the light of international law which the latter had rejected. This led Pakistan to go to ICA which has now issued the interim order on the issue.

Pakistan submitted an application in the ICA regarding Indian construction of Kishanganga Dam, blocking Pakistan’s water which, according to government of Pakistan, was an open violation of Indus water Treaty. After observing Islamabad’s complaint, the ICA issued interim order to the Indian government for stopping further construction unless the case resolved. It was the unanimous decision of ICA panel conducting the case. ICA restricted New Dehli that it could not build any construction at Gurez that block Islamabad’s water. According to the ICA order, separate teams of both the countries would visit the place to resolve the issue. ICA team would also observe the place. Presidential spokesman Farhatullah Babar said Pakistan had submitted the application in the ICA and now India could not build permanent construction of River Neelum.
 ( The Nation )

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