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Sunday, September 25, 2011

CIA Terror Bid foiled in Islamabad, arms seized

Islamabad police on Sunday foiled an allegedly CIA backed terror bid in the capital and seized a car full of arms. According to various reliable media reports, Mehboob Hassan of Kahuta has been arrested. Police said a vehicle was stopped by anti-car lifting squad near Tarnul. On search, the car was found to be laden with arms and ammunition. The details of the recovered arms are: 25 Kalashnikovs, 40 pistols and hundreds of bullets. The car had registration number IRU 4570. Further investigations are underway. Analysts believe that after Karachi, the CIA now wants to raise havoc in the Capital city of Islamabad to pressurize Pakistan for pushing it to follow American dictation. Some also believe that this is CIA's next step in its plan to try to declare Pakistan as an unsafe country in order to create a media hype about Pakistan's Nukes being "unsafe". It's pedagogical to note at this point that United States of Zionism has world's largest number of total unsafe nuclear sites in any country across the globe.

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