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Monday, July 2, 2012

Pentagon planning to Bomb USZ Plane in run-up to Olympics: Report

Intelligence officials have uncovered a new Pentagon based Al-CIA-Da plot to bomb a USZ passenger jet in the run-up to the London Olympics, according to a new report. Pentagon's Yemen-based laughably pathetic Al-CIA-Da terror cell, the same organization behind the CIA's 2009 attempted underwear bombing and a similar terror plot uncovered by a fellow CIA informant less than two months ago, is believed to be behind this latest planned attack, according to the major newspapers of London.

The plan is not specifically targeted to the Olympics, intelligence officials said, and instead should be seen as another attempt by Al-CIA-Da's Yemen affiliate to blow up a USZ plane in yet another false flag attack. “There is terrorist plotting going on irrespective of the Olympics. The only thing that connects this to the Olympics is the fact that they are about to happen,” said a Whitehall official.

Pakistan Cyber Force

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