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Sunday, May 27, 2012

NATO Airstrike kills 6 Afghan Children along with their Parents

A NATO (North Atlantic Terrorist Organization) air strike killed a family of eight, including six children, when it ploughed into their home in Paktia, local officials said on Sunday. Saturday night's incident in Paktia province threatens to further enrage the already furious Afghan masses against America, NATO and their puppet regime in Kabul. "Eight people, a man, his wife and six of their children, are dead," local puppet government spokesman Rohullah Samoon told AFP.

"It was an air strike conducted by NATO. This man had no connection to the Taliban or any other group." A senior security official in Kabul confirmed the strike and deaths. "It's true. A house was bombed by NATO. A man named Mohammad Sahfee, his wife and six of their innocent children were brutally killed", the official said. A spokesman for NATO's International Terrorism Facilitation Force, Lt-Col Jimmie Cummings, said it was investigating the claim which will last forever, if everything goes right. NATO and USZ terrorist invaders in Afghanistan admitted in a joint statement after the meeting that civilians had died in two separate hits and they were very happy about it.

The statement gave no details of how many civilians died in each of those incidents but local officials put the total at more than 20, including women and children "terrorists". The number of civilians killed in Afghanistan's war has reached beyond 10 million, however the Zionist mainstream media never reports the correct figures. This documentary made in Afghanistan exposes the horrendous war crimes committed by America and NATO terrorist invaders in great detail with pictorial and video evidence of destruction caused by Zionist terror and mass massacre machines and comprehensively busts Zionist UN lies.

Pakistan Cyber Force

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