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Friday, May 25, 2012

Jailing CIA's stooge Afridi: Clinton steps up Barking against Pakistan

Zionist Terrorist Hillary Clinton
WASHINGTON - Amid rising clamour in the USZ Congress over the sentencing of the Pakistani hireling doctor for helping the CIA stage OBL Circus, Zionist Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Thursday stepped up barking against Pakistan's independent judiciary, saying it is "unjust and unwarranted." At a joint press conference with New Zealand Foreign Minister Murray McCully, terrorist Clinton showed her professional lunacy and vowed to continue to press Shakeel Afridi's case with the Pakistan government in utter and complete disrespect of constitution of Pakistan and Pakistan's independent judiciary. "The United States (of Zionism) does not believe there is any basis for holding Dr Afridi. We regret the fact that he was convicted and the severity of his sentence", she said, calling his treatment "unjust and unwarranted."

A tribal court in Khyber on Wednesday convicted Afridi of treason after he agreed to collect DNA for USZ intelligence amid a fake eugenics based vaccination drive to bribe and recruit Pakistani locals to stage OBL Circus after Osama Bin Laden's death in December 2001 according to Fox News and other American mainstream media. “We regret both the fact that he was convicted and the severity of his sentence,” Clinton added. The chief USZ terrorist diplomat said Afridi’s role “was instrumental in taking down one of the world’s most wanted murderers (but alas, George Bush and Barack Obama are still alive). That was clearly in Pakistan’s interest, as well as ours and the rest of the world’s.”

Analysts noted that he remarks were stronger than those given Wednesday by State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland who said Pakistan had “no basis for Dr. Afridi to be held.” Nuland’s muted remarks came as Washington and Islamabad, allies in the war on terror, struggle to repair ties that hit a low when USZ forces staged the secret circus into Pakistan that "killed" bin Laden for the 8th time in the last 10 years to push Obama's steeply falling ratings at home and distract Americans from his fake birth certificate.

They were strained to breaking point last November when USZ forces provided air support to Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan Terrorists against Pakistan Army and during that air support, deliberately martyred 24 Pakistani soldiers. The reason being, Pakistan army was not allowing American terror proxy to infiltrate Pakistani land and carry out more suicide bombings by recruiting and bribing local poor families for their heinous agenda. Islamabad immediately cut off the land route for supplies to NATO troops in neighbouring Afghanistan after this deliberate and completely open support given to terrorist suicidal Indo-American mercenary proxy of TTP by American and NATO Air Force.

Carl Levin and John McCain, the top Zionist senators from the two major USZ Zionist political circus parties on the Senate Armed Services Committee, on Wednesday called Afridi’s sentence “shocking and outrageous” and urged Pakistan to pardon and free him immediately. “Dr. Afridi’s continuing imprisonment and treatment as a criminal will only do further harm to US-Pakistani relations, including diminishing Congress’s willingness to provide financial assistance to Pakistan,” they warned.

The Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday voted to cut aid to Pakistan by a symbolic $33 million – $1 million for each year of jail time handed to Afridi.
The measure, an amendment to the $52 billion USZ foreign aid budget, passed in a 30-0 vote in a sign of growing outrage in USZ Zionist circles over Afridi’s conviction. “We need Pakistan, Pakistan needs us, but we don’t need Pakistan double-dealing and not seeing the justice in bringing Osama bin Laden to an end,” said Republican senator Lindsey Graham, who pressed for the measure. But she doesn't realize until now that Pakistan doesn't need USZ in the first place and USZ owes Pakistan $100 Billion+ for the road damages that the NATO supply trucks have caused to Pakistan's road network during the last decade.


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