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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Busted: American Army Supplying Guns, Military Euipment to MQM, ANP, BLA, TTP

Investigators have tracked down around $1.8 million in missing USZ military weaponry, and no, the loot wasn’t just left behind in barracks and bunkers. Instead it went directly to local / international street gangs and notorious drug cartels. The results of a nearly two-year-old probe established to investigate missing military gear reveals that nearly $2 million worth of assault rifles, night-vision goggles and other guns and gadgets were pilfered by servicemen from within the Armed Forces and then sold illegally both through local outlets to gangs and on the Internet to residents of foreign countries. So far more than 60 people have been implicated in the undercover sting, which began nearly two years ago by officers with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service. Along the way, federal agencies as diverse as the Department of Homeland Security, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and even the FBI have been brought into the mix.

The results of the investigation were unearthed on Tuesday this week by reporters at the Daily News in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Local agencies including the N.C. State Bureau of Investigations, the Onslow County Sheriff’s Office and the Jacksonville Police Department have been named in the probe as well. “The case is still active and ongoing in partnership with several other local, state and federal law enforcement agencies,” Ed Buice, a public affairs officer for NCIS in Quantico, Va., explains to the paper. “I can’t go into much detail.” And although information is sparse for now, those willing to speak say that it wasn’t just a vast, international conspiracy at play. For some, the whole exchange might have just been fun and games.

On an interesting note, most weapons seized by Pakistani security forces from MQM, ANP, TTP (Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan) and BLA (Balochistan Liberation Army) terrorists were of American and NATO brands which are standard weapons used in Afghanistan against Taliban freedom fighters. Interestingly, a few containers of NATO's war supply went "missing" in Pakistan and neither USZ, nor NATO even raised a single voice upon it. Interesting to note here is that Pakistani ports are governed by MQM mafia whose head Altaf Hussain escaped Pakistan in a self-imposed exile and is currently serving MI6 along with anti-Pakistan ANP chief Asfand Yar Wali, both of whom have been killing Karachi civilians throughout the past couple of years in gang violence in a never ending attempt to spark civil war in Pakistan's trade hub. 

“We’re talking about sophisticated, hi-tech flashlights that cost the government up to $800 per unit. The temptation and ease with which to steal and sell them, for some, is irresistible,” a government official familiar with the operations adds to the Daily News. Adding to the report, the NCIS’ Buice says that the results of the probe suggest that the under-the-radar weapons trade was becoming “a growing problem.” That problem, reveals the investigation, spread as far east as China. At other times, military personal were taking to eBay, Craiglist and yard sales to unload gear that either wasn’t sold overseas or pawned off on local and international gangs.

Pakistan Cyber Force

1 comment:

  1. Abdul Majid SrinagarJune 10, 2012 at 8:26 AM

    pakistan is in mess today becoz of too much reliamce on USA and lack of sence of self reliance a
    nd self respect. USA is friend till its national interests r served then it throws ilike a used condom not only that it kicks it spits and it tramples. Still time is in hands of Pakistan. It needs introspection.. Pakistan must draft a new constituti
    on wherein self reliance must be supreme,fair distribution of resources and full participation of all ethnic groups and regions. Abhorence of terrorists and terrorism and following principles of Islam in letter and spirit.
