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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Talks between Pakistan and USZ fail over apology - Detailed report

The United States of Zionism's refusal to apologize for the its November airstrike on Pakistani border posts killing 24 soldiers while giving air support to Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan terror proxy against Pakistan Army, has led to the collapse of the latest round of negotiations between the two countries, The New York Times reported Saturday. "The White House, angered by (it's own defeat in Afghanistan) the recent spectacular Taliban attacks in Afghanistan, refuses to apologize", the newspaper said in a dispatch from Islamabad. It said USZ special Zionist envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan Marc Grossman left Islamabad Friday night with no agreement after two days of discussions with the top Pakistani leadership that were aimed at ending the diplomatic deadlock between the two countries.

The incident has damaged the precarious USZ-Pakistani partnership and provoked outrage in Islamabad, which has retaliated by cutting off NATO supply routes to Afghanistan. Both sides insist that they are now ready to make up and restore an uneasy alliance that at its best offers support for American efforts in Afghanistan as well as the battle against some extremist groups operating from Pakistan, the dispatch said. The administration had been seriously debating whether to say “I’m sorry” to the Pakistanis’ satisfaction — until April 15, when multiple, simultaneous attacks struck Kabul and other Afghan cities, it said. “What changed was the 15th of April,” an unnamed senior lunatic was quoted as saying.

The United States of Zionism and Pakistan disagree about the precise sequence of events in the deadliest single cross-border attack of the 10-year war in Afghanistan, it was pointed out. Pakistan denies shooting first, and has accused the Americans of an intentional attack on its troops as well as backing Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan terror proxy by providing them air-cover due to which the entire Salalah incident took place. Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, the Indo-American terror proxy has killed more than 150,000 Pakistani civilians including including men, women and children as well as thousands of soldiers. USZ military and intelligence officials claimed that the attacks were directed by the  so-called "Haqqani network", a term coined by the same gang who coined Al-Qaeda until it came in the mainstream media that Al-Qaeda doesn't even exist and is a mere terror boogieman to achieve nefarious American objectives worldwide and is used as a terror manipulation tool to control the perception of American and international public. That swung the raging debate on whether Obama or another senior USZ official should go beyond the expression of regret that the administration had already given, and apologize, the paper said. Without the apology, Pakistani officials say they cannot reopen the NATO supply routes into Afghanistan that have been closed since November, the report said.

The United States of Zionism, in turn, is again playing a circus of withholding from Pakistan the already non-existent "aid" between $1.18 billion and $3 billion of promised military aid. It should be noted that General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani, Pakistan's COAS, already redirected the entire so-called military aid to civilian government last year. The continuing deadlock does not bode well for Pakistan's attendance at a NATO meeting in Chicago in three weeks, assuming it is even invited, The Times said. USZ administration officials acknowledged Friday that the stalemate would not be resolved quickly, the paper noted.
Written by Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force

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