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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mad Dogs vs Scoundrels of Anti-Christ Gang (SAFMA-Sexpress-Geo)

In response to: Mad Dogs and Laal topiwallahs

Seems like the enemies of Islam and a true Islamic Pakistan have been set on fire. This is a recent piece of utter nonsense and pitiable mockery published by the Champion of gays and lesbians; the home of desperate and scolded faggots - The Express Tribune. The Express Tribune and its gang of contributers are well known for their so called 'liberal' and 'secular' stance which is in reality nothing but a platform to promote pornography and obscenity in the youth in the name of freedom of speech and modernization.

As soon as I read the pile of trash, a worthy quote came on my mind:
“Brilliant minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and DUMB minds discuss PERSONALITIES”. 
And Express Tribune takes its place in the 3rd category undoubtedly. Express Tribune has really crossed out all limits it was supposed to stay in if it were a responsible and a decent press. But Alas! I guess expecting sanity and loyalty to Islam and Pakistan from Zionist off-shoot of International Herald Tribune is too much!

Eversince the Patriotic force of Pakistan under the leadership of the Patriotic Defense Analyst Zaid Hamid has filed the petition against the South Asian Free Media Association for its continous acts of Treason and maligning of Pakistan's prestigious constitution, the pseudo intellectuals, pitiable owners of Secularism and blatant enemies of Quaid-e-Azam's character seem to catch the mental disorder and partially become Schezophernic Paranoid creatures.

Facts are facts. The shameless champion of speech editor of this piece of crap doesn't even know how to debate logically. All what he has done is, illogical sarcasm and pitiable mockery. The writer seems to be far from the terms 'ethics' and 'morality'. Moreover it's a ball faced blatant historical lie when he accuses Quaid for NOT being a staunch Muslim. Ask him to bring forth evidences. Just don't moan over quoted out-of-context portions of a speech which is not comparable to the hundreds of speeches in which the Founder of the state clearly declared Pakistan to be based on pure Islamic basion and crystal clearly explained the Pakistanis that the Constitution of Pakistan would be ISLAMIC. Ironically he NEVER ever used the word, "Secularism". But he did "ISLAMIC SOCIALISM" and continued saying that NO OTHER 'ISMS' ”. (Watch Quaid-e-Azam's original speech given in this video below)

Quaid has given around a 100+  speeches out of which in 101 speeches before the independence and in 14 speeches after the independence he explained that the Constitution of Pakistan is to be purely Islamic! On January 25, 1948, Jinnah spoke to the Bar Association of Karachi, and said:
“Why this feeling of nervousness that the future constitution of Pakistan is going to be in conflict with Shariat Laws? Islamic principles today are as applicable to life as they were 1,300 years ago.” 
The hoax of a secular Jinnah has been already busted mutiple times by our team of patriotic youth by summing up all the facts and figures from Quaid's own life with COMPLETE REFERENCES. So the secular shameless scoundrels who lie blantantly can go to the lowest pit of hell with their pinocchio noses!
“Islam is not only a set of rituals, traditions and spiritual doctrines. Islam is also a code for every Muslim, which regulates his life and conduct in even politics and economics and the like.”, said the Quaid on the January 25th 1948. 
Let's see what the attacked party (in that article) has to say about it, the nasty thing about these ideological terrorists is that they always keep attacking from the back and never dare to face ZH in a healthy open debate. (Perhaps because they know they would be tightly slapped in their filthy faces). Here we present a direct quote from former Afghan War Veteran and one of the most prominent figures of Afghan War against Soviet Union, Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid, who was the target of this obnoxious piece:
Dear Children, let us destroy the biggest lie and deception which the secularists have been barking against our beloved Quaid. They say that in the first address to the Constituent assembly of Pakistan, Quaid had wanted to create a secular state. In a latest article against us in Tribute, Feisal Naqvi writes the following words: 
"Saying that the Quaid was secular is not treasonous. Not only was Jinnah far from being an orthodox Muslim but he explicitly disavowed a purely religious identity for Pakistan in his famous speech to the Constituent Assembly on August 11, 1947"  
Then this lawyer (liar) Faisal gives a reference of a link to that speech. Here we produce that exact speech for you. Read it and see why we use the word Snakes for these SAFMA loyalists. Mountbatten had made an earlier speech and had asked Quaid to follow King Akbar in treating the minorities.  
Then the Quaid responded giving reference of our beloved Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and of Muslim history where non-Muslims are treated with mercy, love and Kindness. Read the text of Quaid speech. Where did he say that religion will have nothing to do with the state? where did he say Pakistan would be secular? Astaghfurullah!! 
These snakes deserve death under High treason charges as we have filed the case in the court. Faisal Naqvi himself has given this link in his article. we are only producing the original transcript. See for yourself how he lies. 
Quaid wanted to create an Islamic state based on Islamic principles. He took guidance from Rasul Allah (sm). Listen to him. 
The transcript of Quaid speech addressed to Mountbatten: 
Inauguration of the Pakistan ConstituentAssembly on 14th August, 1947 
Your Excellency, I thank His Majesty the King on behalf of the Pakistan Constituent Assembly and myself for his gracious message. I know great responsibilities lie ahead, and I naturally reciprocate his sentiments and we are grateful for his assurance of sympathy and support, and I hope that you will communicate to His Majesty our assurance of goodwill and friendship for the British nation and himself as the Crown head of the British Government. 
I thank you for your expressions of goodwill and good wishes for the future of Pakistan. It will be our constant endeavor to work for the welfare and well-being of all the communities in Pakistan, and I hope that everyone would be inspired by the idea of public service, and they will be imbued with the spirit of co-operation and will excel in their political and civic virtues which go to make a great nation and help to advance its greatness.
I once more thank you and Lady Mountbatten for your kindness and good wishes. Yes, we are parting as friends and sincerely hope that we shall remain friends. 
I wish to emphasize that we appreciate the spirit in which those in the Government service at present and in the Armed Forces and others have so willingly and ungrudgingly volunteered themselves provisionally to serve Pakistan. As servants of Pakistan we shall make them happy and they will be treated equally with our nationals. The tolerance and goodwill that great Emperor Akbar showed to all the non-Muslim is not of recent origin. It dates back thirteen centuries ago when our Prophet not only by words but by deeds treated the Jews and Christians, after he had conquered them, with the utmost tolerance and regard and respect for their faith and beliefs. The whole history of Muslims, wherever they ruled, is replete with those humane and great principles which should be followed and practiced.
Finally, I thank you for your good wishes for Pakistan, and I assure you that we shall not be wanting in friendly spirit with our neighbors and with all nations of the world"
The fact is just one and simple - Pakistan is meant to be an Islamic Pakistan only because it was achieved in the name of Islam. I won't go for providing evidences here once again, it's been a story of past. It's as bright as the sun and there leaves no room for any doubt. All who sacrificed their treasures, got their loved ones slaughtered; only did for Pakistan and they were only Muslims. So the simple rule implies - Pakistan belongs to only them who gave up their every single thing to achieve it out of infinite odds. Not to the secular scoundrels and sold out thugs who started looting and sucking the blood of Pakistan since its day one. 

Each and every nation on earth sticks to its ideology (particular set of ideas that forms the basis of its existence) and don't ridicule or mock it. Even the jews on Earth stick to their own ideology and never let anyone ridicule it. So does the Hindu Brahmin. But ironically a bunch of  a few so called liberal, secular Pakistanis  are so shameless that they not only ridicule and mock the ideology of the state in which they earn and live but also have gone at war with it. This is something disgusting  seriously.

One message to the secular imbeciles: Pakistanis who gave infinite sacrifices to achieve this land want it to be an Islamic Pakistan. You liberal zombies of the Anti-Christ can quit Pakistan and go home.

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Written by Xharaf Vsm
Edited by Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force

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