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Thursday, February 9, 2012

USZ Terror Safe Havens mull Breakup of Pakistan through Direct Subversion

WASHINGTON: At an unusual USZ congressional hearing on Wednesday, mainly pro-Israhell hireling witnesses detailed the usual rhetoric of "human rights abuses" in Balochistan province of Pakistan, just like they have done in the recent past in case of Libya, Syria, Iran, China and other prosperous anti-Israhell states. All five international USZ Terrorists who attended this unusual hearing of the Terrorist Safe Havens' Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations stressed the "Baloch right to self-determination".

But this emotive session – which often drew warm applause from hireling Baloch nationalists – offered little insight into how to resolve this manifold exaggerated issue. There was some score-settling, particularly from USZ international terrorists upset with Pakistan over foiling OBL circus and exposing to the world the myth of OBL's demise back in 2001 and Islamabad’s decision to close NATO's terror supply lines to Afghanistan seriously hindering in the favorable massacre of Afghan civilians and rape/looting sessions of Afghans during American / NATO night raids.

Dr. M. Hosseinbor, a hireling Baloch nationalist scholar, assured the Americans that the Balochs were natural USZ allies and would like to share the Gwadar port with the United States of Zionism, would not allow the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline through their lands and will fight the Taliban as well. We would like to inform all our readers at this point that Pakistan Cyber Force operates from Balochistan and 99.94% Baloch people are hardcore Pakistani patriots according to several independent surveys held throughout the province, which of course the Americans find really painful to censor and hide on internet and media.

Hardcore Zionist Ralph Peters, a retired USZ military terrorist invader, urged the USZ administration to break up its ties with Pakistan and support the Baloch struggle for "freedom", if you know what that means. C. Christine Fair, an assistant Professor at Georgetown University, in her written statement, disagreed with the suggestion, saying that given the ethnic diversity of the province, its complicated history, and the existing geographic constraints, an independent Balochistan was untenable.

Armed gangs of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and Balochistan Liberation Army which have been jointly trained and heavily funded by India and Israhell are largely responsible for targeted killings and destroying private property, kidnapping for ransom and destruction of state infrastructure throughout the province. In the past several years, they have increasingly targeted non-Baloch civilians and their businesses, as well as major gas installations and infrastructure in order to create ethnic and linguistic divisions among the people of various provinces of Pakistan. They have also killed teachers, physicians and lawyers and struck police and security forces and military bases throughout the province.

Ali Dayan Hasan, the Pakistan director for Human Rights Watch and a staunch Zionist Humanitarian pitbull, said that Pakistan’s security forces and its intelligence agencies were involved in the enforced disappearance of Baloch nationalists. Being a Zionist puppet, naturally he asked the USZ government to “communicate directly to the agencies responsible for disappearances and other abuses including the army, ISI, IB, Frontier Corps, police, to demand an end to abuses and facilitate criminal inquiries to hold perpetrators accountable.” Congressman Rohrabacher declared that the hearing was no stunt, and that they wanted to start a national dialogue on what USZ policy should be in that part of the world.

Former Afghan Veteran of Soviet Era and a world famous defense analyst Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid said on the issue:
“USZ is now planning to physically intervene and invade Baluchistan to wage the last phase of Af-Pak in exactly the same way they did with Libya and now doing with Syria. Under the facade of Human rights violations, they invaded Libya and killed hundreds of thousands of Libyan Muslims. Now they plan to attack and capture Gawader to cut a land route to Afghanistan. All the CIA and RAW assets are now fully on the offensive in Baluchistan with USZ government's backing.
Pakistani government and judiciary is compromised. Media is sold out. Politicians are Mir Jaffar ad Mir Sadeq (hireling traitors). If it is not for the mercy of Allah (swt) through Pak army, USZ and India would have already made a Yugoslavia or Iraq or Libya out of us. Now their entire media and diplomatic as well as military pressure is against the Pak army and the ISI. DO NOT be fools to believe what the Zionist media and corrupt politicians tell you. There are plans to auction your honor and faith and if you still do not learn, then retribution would be all encompassing and without mercy. InshAllah, as long as youth and the nation stand with Pak army and ISI, these sinister games cannot succeed. By Allah, we will do our duty and defend Pak sarzameen and our armed forces against all enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) [Islam].”

Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force

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