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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

USZ Master Plan in Syria Exposed: Turkish Incursion, Israhelli Invasion, Assad's Assassination

Informed sources have uncovered a USZ plot entailing a Turkish incursion and a full-scale Israhelli strike to overthrow the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The sources said aspects of the plan such as rejecting calls by Damascus for an Arab League meeting over the crisis in the country, recognizing of the Syrian opposition as the “legitimate” government of the country and granting them offices in Turkey to work against the Syrian government, have already been carried out. As part of the plan, Syrian embassies and consulates would be attacked in several countries and the diplomatic offices would be used as bases to inflict heavy blows on the Syrian government.

According to the sources, the other parts of the USZ plot which are in process or expected to happen in the near future include:

  1. Firstly the Syrian government will be demonized as a war criminal and its case will be taken to The Hague and international human rights bodies.
  2. Washington will then task Turkey with sending troops across the border into Syria to incite internal friction and civil war within the country by arming Syrian civilians and the opposition against the government.
  3. In the next step, Washington will arm Wahhabi fighters and members of the Fath al-Islam in Tripoli, supported by the Israhelli Bitch State Qatar's army and Libyan rat fighters, and order them to attack Syrian border villages.
  4. Israhell will jump into the fray by expressing readiness to carry out military operations against Syria.
Israhelli Zionist Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman recently announced he would be visiting the USZ next week. He is expected to meet with USZ  Zionist Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, USZ Zionist senators and other senior officials. Officials close to Lieberman were quoted by Israhelli sources as saying that the he will ask the USZ government to increase international pressure against Syria, urging Washington to go beyond sanctions in line with efforts to overthrow the Syrian government. Jordan, another Syrian neighbor, will also announce its readiness for military intervention in Syria upon receiving the USZ green light order.

Al-CIA-Da militants stationed near the Iraqi-Syrian borders will also start operations inside Syria after receiving a USZ-Qatari order. Syrian Television channels will then be removed from Nilesat and Arabsat satellites to prevent the Syrian government form airing its side of the developments. New Syrian passports will be issued and Syrians who do not obtain the new document will not be allowed into Western and Arab countries. One necessary condition for the success of the plot to topple the Syrian regime, according to the informed sources, will be the defection of Syrian armed forces and the prime factor in the conspiracy will be the assassination of the Syrian president.

Edited by Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force

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