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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Identifying the Fifth Column in Pakistani media

Operation Blue Tulsi is what we call the cultural onslaught on Pakistani nation waged by none other than RAW. In this operation they use the technique of 4th generation warfare, by attacking the country on multiple low-intensity battlefronts, most important of those all battle grounds is the ideological battlefront in which they try to destroy our ideology and imposing theirs through the electronic media by inducing their movies, songs and saas bahoo soaps into our country and making our channels spread them as if they are the most important. Today, we are almost indifferent when we see an Indian content on our televisions because the enemy has molded our thinking in such a way that we have accepted our enemy's content on our media.
The question to be asked is, whether Indian media shows any Pakistani content? Well, the answer is simply NO. In reality they have banned all our channels within India which clearly shows their hatred toward Pakistan. The fact that the ban on Zee TV in Pakistan didn't bother them much because RAW has already invaded Pakistani media installing their pay-rolls on key positions. It can be proved from the fact that there is not a single bulletin on news channels which doesn't give due coverage to Bollywood filth and rubbish, which a good Muslim can never watch sitting with his family.
Operation Blue Tulsi actually started back in 1990s but wasn't that succesful due to the absense of "free media" in Pakistan. This favor for the RAW and MOSSAD was done by the president of the time, Parvez M(B)usharaf and gave a free hand to media groups without making any effective PEMRA law for the denfense of Pakistani interests in media. This was an icing on the top of cake for the initiators of Operation Blue Tulsi and they started inducing bundles of funding to establish a fifth columnist media in the country. With the launch of channales like Geo(Jew) and ARY, the real practical application of the operation finally kicked off, and as a corollary, today the audacity of the mainstream Pakistani media channels is beyond comprehension. In the military operation against terrorists in Swat, a hype was created in media that "Taliban have almost reached Islamabad" was actually which draw the people's attention toward studying the agenda of these fifth columnists newsgroups. 
Among these channels, Geo(Jew) has always been leading from the front in the disinformation game against Pakistan and its interests, From the fake story of Kassab to fake video of girl getting lashes in Swat, it has always proved to be the greatest enemy of Pakistan and we find it no difficult in comprehending about who is funding it from behind the curtains. Those people who used to call all this a conspiracy theory would also have started realizing the heniuos crimes of media which is one of the biggest manipulation weapon of the Globalists and with its rhetoric of "Freedom of Expression", it can cross all limits, in reality they are unaware of the word "limit".
With Pakistan media, the print media is also highly infiltrated with liberal secularists who distort the history of Pakistan and try to prove Pakistan to be a secular state, the SAFMA gang is very much operative in this regard and it is highly infiltrating the minds of youth creating doubts among them. Its members are present in all important news channels and print media carrying out their covert mission on it. This gang is led by Imtiaz Alam, a known moron who is always speaking against Pakistan and in favour of India.

Similarly, in electronic media the anchorpersons of Geo(Jew) are playing an important role in creating disinformation against Pakistan. Hamid Mir, one of the biggest traitor in media, who is also responsible for the murder of Khalid Khawaja at the hands of terrorists outfits in tribal agency is always babbling against the Army and ISI and has acquired the tone of USZ and India. On the other hand, Jew TV has launched Sana Buchha for carrying out their mission who was recently caught distorting the history of Pakistanis one of the major asset of the enemies.
There are many and I may run out of time if I start naming each and every fifth columnists present in the media. But here I will mention some of the points through which we can analyse whether someone is a fifth columnists or not.
  1. Speaking the rhetoric against Army and ISI uselessly.
  2. Speaking that democracy is the only 'saviour' for Pakistan.
  3. Those channels and newsgroups who are busy promoting unislamic ideas among the youth like Express(SexPress) Tribune which is promoting homosexuality in Pakistan, AAG TV , Style 360 etc which are spreading nudity and obscenity.
  4. Those channels which show you the same disinformation which is shown on international zionists' mouthpieces like CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera, Fox news etc.
  5. Those channels who distort Islam by bringing pseudo-scholars like Ghamdhi on TV.
  6. Those channels who are promoting secularism and liberalism.
  7. Those channels which show foreign content like Voice of America and Bollywood filth ignoring the key issues in Pakistan.
  8. Those channels who spit the rhetoric of having friendly relations or "Aman" with our arch-rival India ignoring all the atrocities that the Muslims of subcontinent faced at the time of partitions and even today continue to face.
These were just a few brief signs in identifying the fifth columnists in Pakistani Media while the list will get very long, but the above mentioned points are enough to help the common people in understanding their real agenda and save himself/herself and his/her friends and relatives from the deception, distortion, delusion, disinformation and diversion.
Save yourself from the deception of Anti-Christ(Dajjal) and play an active part in the defense of Pakistan.
Pakistan Zindabad!!

Written By Faraan Khan
Pakistan Cyber Force

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