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Sunday, January 8, 2012

125 USZ-led Terrorist Invaders, 56 Puppets killed; 14 Tanks Wrecked; Bases Deserted; Afghan Operation Badar (06-07 Jan, 2012)

Operation Badar Reports (Afghanistan)
(06-07 Jan, 2012)

These reports have been received from Mullah Mohammad Omar's official spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesman of Islamic Emirate Qari Yousuf Ahmadi as well as some other on-ground sources in Afghanistan which include several cowardly puppet regime sources. War crimes committed by USZ, NATO and their cowardly puppets have been highlighted in red below.

  • January 06: There are reports arriving from Musa Kala district of Helmand province which state that 8 innocent civilians which include 2 children were martyred yesterday while several others were wounded when cowardly American terrorists carried out airstrikes on the homes of locals in Gobar village. Officials say that the bombing was carried out when the terrorist invaders suffered heavy casualties from an ambush on their patrol in the mentioned area.
  • January 07: Some 5 puppet ANA troops were killed on Thursday night when an IED hit and destroyed their tank near Washir district center.
  • At 01:00 pm yesterday in Nari Manda area, Nad Ali district, a USZ tank was blown apart by an IED, killing all 6 terrorist invaders inside. Meanwhile, a USZ base near the district center also came under heavy arms fire, causing the enemy more heavy casualties and losses on Thursday night.
  • At least 4 hireling puppet troops were killed and several others fatally wounded in Sangin’s Bargazo Kala area during a clash with Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate which broke out at 10:00 am yesterday and lasted till 02:00 pm, officials said adding that 2 Mujahideen were also injured in the fighting.
  • A puppet police officer standing guard in front of his outpost in Sangin’s Chini Manda area was shot dead by a sniper at 11:00 am today.
  • A USZ tank on its way traveling from a check post to another late yesterday afternoon in Shawal area of Nad Ali district was destroyed when a roadside bomb ripped through it, killing all 6 terrorist invaders onboard.
  • Officials reporting from Gerishk district say that the fighting which was triggered yesterday morning when Mujahideen attacked those USZ terrorist invaders who landed by helicopters to carry out an operation in Da Adam Khan area is still ongoing today (late afternoon time). It is said that some 2 dozen terrorist invaders have been killed so far from the heavy and light weapons used in the battle, which has also left 2 civilians and 3 Mujahideen injured.
  • Some 3 puppet policemen perished in a mine blast in Nad Ali’s Loe Bagh area when it detonated on their foot patrol at around 09:00 am this morning.
  • Reports from Nad Ali district say that Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate engaged USZ terrorist invaders in Nari Manda area at around 02:00 pm local time, triggering a deadly clash which is still ongoing at the moment. The heavy fight broke out after Mujahideen had forced ANA and local police out from the same area, according to officials who said that the firefight had lasted 3 hours after erupting at 11:00 am today, causing the enemy deadly casualties and losses.
  • Puppet hireling troops suffered heavy casualties this morning during a 1 hour firefight with Mujahideen which took place in Nahr Siraj’s Paen Kili area. It is said that a Mujahid was also injured in the clash.
A USZ military vehicle has been annihilated in a devastating mortar attack by Mujahideen
  • January 06: 5 American terrorist invaders perished in a powerful bomb blast at 01:00 pm yesterday which blew their tank to pieces in Qalmitere area near Kandahar airbase.
  • January 07: A USZ tank was blown apart in Shahwalikot’s Arab village by a landmine, instantly killing all 6 terrorist invaders onboard at 09:00 am yesterday.
  • Reports from Maiwand district of Kandahar say that 2 more USZ tanks were blown apart by landmines late Thursday afternoon time, killing all 12 terrorist invaders inside in Garmawok area. It should be reminded that the terrorist invaders' tanks, which arrived to the district to carry out an operation a week ago have been stuck in the area and are surrounded by landmines from which 15 tanks have so far been destroyed in IED attacks.
  • Officials from Maiwand district say that sixteenth USZ tank has been destroyed by a landmine in Garmawok area. The blast which blew apart the tank, killing all 6 inside took place at 03:00 pm yesterday. It should be mentioned that this tank is part the convoy which entered the district about a week ago to carry out an operation but has driven into a Mujahideen trap where it is besieged and surrounded by landmines and every time it moves in an attempt to leave the area, it becomes a target of an IED.
  • Mujahideen shot dead a puppet police officer at 11:00 am today in 2nd Niaha area of Kandahar city.

  • January 06: Two of the puppets were killed and several more got wounded in roadside bomb in Sheikh Amir district of Khost province on Friday.
  • An early morning attack Friday damaged the USZ terrorist invaders’ military base in Ghani Khel, Nangarhar province to a great extent, killing 9 of the USZ terrorist invaders, the report indicates without giving specific figures on the American troops’ death toll.
  • At least four policemen of the hireling puppets were killed in a roadside bomb attack in Domando district, Khost province on Friday.
  • Mujahideen officials said on Friday that Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate carried out a remote-controlled bomb attack on the USZ terrorist invaders’ logistic terminal and blasted a part of the USZ terrorist invaders depot in the capital of Khost province, destroying and burning down several trucks loaded with USZ supplies later on Thursday. The report adds that Friday’s attack set four large trucks filled with USZ terrorist invaders' supplies on fire and damaged a number of the other trucks, while some 10 security puppet guards were taken out as well.
  • January 07: At least 6 USZ terrorist invaders were reported dead as their tank got hit and destroyed in landmine blast in Sheikh Amir district of Khost on Friday.

  • January 06: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate on Friday morning attacked the USZ terrorist invaders' army base. At least 8 mortar rounds hit the base, the report said without giving details on the casualties.
  • January 07: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate on Saturday attacked the USZ terrorist invaders’ base in Narang, Kunar province with missiles and mortars. At least 12 rounds are said to have struck the base inflicting fatal losses on the American terrorist invaders by taking out one and a half dozen of them and horribly injuring dozens more besides damaging part of the base.
  • The USZ terrorist invaders abandoned one of their major bases of extreme strategic importance today. According to the reports, the base located in Khas Kunar district of the province had been under constant attacks by Mujahideen, finally making the USZ terrorist invaders to flee the area. However, they left some puppets behind who are believed to follow as soon as possible.
  • At least 4 terrorist invaders were killed and 7 more got hurt in fighting with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Surkani district of Kunar province on Saturday.

  • January 06: Some 10 terrorist invaders of French army were reported dead during an attack by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate on the French terrorist invaders’ base in Tagab, Kapisa on Friday.
  • A French terrorist invader was sniped and killed with long range rifle in Tagab district of Kapisa on Friday, a report states from Tagab district of the province.

  • January 06: Some 9 puppets were killed in a roadside bomb attack on Friday targeting the enemy’s vehicle in Bati Kot district of the province.

  • January 06: Some 5 NATO terrorist invaders were reportedly killed last night in a bomb attack in the middle of night at about 2:00 a.m. local time, a Mujahideen official said on Friday, adding that the incident occurred in Charkh district of the province where the enemy tank ran over a Mujahideen planted mine blowing the armored tank to pieces.

  • January 07: Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate blew to pieces the vehicle of a high ranking local puppet police commander (Toryalai) using an IED in Shindand district’s Zir Koh area yesterday afternoon at 01:00 pm, killing the intended puppet target as well as 4 of his puppet body guards.

  • January 07: Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate near Marghab district center of Badghis province killed 7 Italian terrorist invaders at around 03:00 pm yesterday by obliterating their tank using an immensely powerful IED blast, completely annihilating their tank.

  • January 07: Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in northern Faryab province’s Dawlatabad district obliterated an ISAF tank using a roadside bomb at 09:00 am today, killing all 5 terrorist invaders onboard as the enemy patrol was passing near number Yak check post, located in Sheikhano area.
  • At around 09:30 am local time, 5 ANA puppets were killed when their tank got torn apart by an IED in Arab bazaar of Khwaja Namusa district.

  • January 06: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate shot and killed a puppet agent of NDS, heading an army post and used to be an active spy for USZ terrorist invaders in the capital of Paktika province on Saturday.

  • January 06: At least 5 puppet policemen were killed on Friday when their vehicle ran over a landmine in Tashqurghan district of Samangan province, a Mujahideen official said on Saturday.

  • January 07: Later on Saturday, a roadside bomb planted by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate tore through the enemy tank in Chaghto district of the province destroying the tank and killing four invading in it.

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