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Monday, December 5, 2011

916 terrorist invaders, 339 puppets killed; 84 tanks, dozens of supply vehicles, bases wrecked - Afghanistan Operation Badar

Operation Badar reports (Afghanistan)
(29 Nov - 05 Dec, 2011)

These reports have been received from Mullah Mohammad Omar's official spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesman of Islamic Emirate Qari Yousuf Ahmadi as well as some other on-ground sources in Afghanistan which include several cowardly cowardly puppet regime sources.

  • November 29: USZ terrorist invaders have been carrying out an operation in Tangyano area since Sunday, according to officials reporting from Nawzad district. Officials say that during the enemy operation, Mujahideen shot and destroyed a tank with RPG this morning and then blew up another one a few moments later using an IED. All 10 terrorist invaders onboard the tanks were killed in the attacks.
  • November 30: Another USZ tank was blown apart by a landmine in Nad Ali district last night, killing all 6 terrorist invaders onboard in Nari Manda area.
  • Heavy fight erupted early this morning when Mujahideen attacked those USZ terrorist invaders who landed by helicopters to carry out an operation in Zamindawar area of Kajaki district. There are no confirmed casualty reports so far and more details about the fight will be updated later.
  • At around 10:00 am on Tuesday morning, a landmine in Nawa’s Shor Shorak area hit and destroyed a USZ tank, killing all 6 terrorist invaders onboard.
  • An IED in Nad Ali’s Nari Manda area detonated and destroyed a USZ tank at 07:00 am local time, killing all 5 terrorist invaders onboard.
  • A Mujahideen ambush attack on a NATO logistical convoy in Gerishk’s Hayderabad area this morning at 07:00 am resulted in 2 vehicles destroyed after catching fire.
  • A USZ tank was obliterated by a landmine, killing all 6 terrorist invaders onboard at around dusk time yesterday in Gerishk district of Helmand province.
An American terrorist Tank destroyed in Afghanistan in an IED attack
  • A fight erupted early this morning in Kajaki’s Zamindawar area when Mujahideen attacked those USZ terrorist invaders who landed by helicopters to carry out an operation is still ongoing, officials said adding that Mujahideen have been using heavy weapons against the enemy however the number of casualties caused is not known. In another report from Zamindawar regions Kamarband area, an American terrorist was killed at 01:00 pm and 2 wounded in a mine attack on their foot patrol.
  • At least 2 USZ terrorist invaders were left dead at around noon time today and 2 others severely wounded when Mujahideen in Gerishk’s Kanjak area detonated an IED on the enemy patrol.
  • A roadside bomb planted by Mujahideen in Nawzad’s Darazdan Karez area struck a USZ military convoy at around 11:00 am today, destroying 1 enemy tank as well as killing all 5 terrorist invaders inside.
  • A security vehicle escorting a NATO logistical convoy was blown apart at 11:00 am, killing all 7 cowardly puppets onboard as the enemy convoy was passing through Nahr Siraj’s Yakhchal area on Kandahar-Herat main highway. Witnesses and officials from the scene add that the cowardly enemy purposely shot at a civilian vehicle passing nearby, fatally wounding a woman and her child.
  • 2 mines in Babaji region’s Loe Manda area simultaneously detonated on the foot patrol of USZ terrorist invaders yesterday at 03:00 pm, killing 5 terrorist invaders on the spot and fatally wounding 2 others.
  • December 01: Reports arriving from Kajaki district say that the fight which erupted early yesterday morning in Azan Nawa area carried on into the second day as more USZ terrorist invaders entered the area through helicopters last night. Officials from the scene add that the fight has picked up pace as Mujahideen have surrounded the enemy, who are stuck at a few points from all sides. The number of enemy casualties caused so far is not known, more details about the battle will be updated later.
  • Mujahideen from Nawzad district report 2 USZ tanks were blown apart by IED’s in Barnak Karez area and another 2 tanks in Garma Karez area late yesterday afternoon time. All 22 terrorist invaders onboard were killed in the deadly blasts.
  • At least 4 cowardly puppets were killed yesterday at around 07:00 pm when their vehicle got blown apart by a remote-controlled IED in Nahr Siraj’s Yakhchal area.
  • At around 07:00 am today, a USZ tank was blown apart by a landmine in Marjah’s Sistani area, killing all 5 terrorist invaders onboard.
  • 5 defenseless innocent civilians were arrested by cowardly USZ terrorist invaders during an illegal raid on civilian homes in Musa Kala’s Do-aab area.
  • A USZ tank was blown apart by an IED in Jari Karez area of Nawzad district, killing all 5 cowardly terrorist invaders inside at 11:00 am today.
  • A USZ armored tank in Shor Shorak area of Nawa district was blown apart by a landmine earlier today at around 09:00 am, killing all 5 terrorist invaders onboard.
  • An IED planted by Mujahideen in Marjah’s Kochni Yazda area hit and destroyed a USZ tank, killing all 6 terrorist invaders inside on Wednesday at around 01:00 pm.
  • At least 3 USZ terrorist invaders were killed this morning after a firefight which was triggered when Mujahideen ambushed their patrol on Sarak Awal area, Lashkargah city.
  • Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate seized a NATO logistical vehicle and arrested 2 of its puppet drivers at noon time today after an attack on the enemy convoy passing near Washir’s Shurab bazaar on Kandahar-Herat main highway.
  • December 02: Some 5 puppet escort security personnel were killed at 06:30 am today when a roadside bomb ripped through their vehicle in Nahr Siraj region’s Yakhchal area, Gerishk.
  • Reports from the northern Baghran district of Helmand province say that Mujahideen surrounded and engaged USZ terrorist invaders this morning when the enemy troops landed by helicopters in Piesang bazaar early this morning. It is said that the fight is still ongoing, more details about which will be updated later. It is worth reminding that this particular district has been under the complete control of Mujahideen for the past seven years. The enemy forces have been trying since last year to take it back however have faced defeats on every attempt.
  • Reports from the northern Baghran district of Helmand province say that Mujahideen surrounded and engaged USZ terrorist invaders this morning when they landed by helicopters in Piesang bazaar early this morning. It is said that the fight is still ongoing, more details about which will be updated later. It is worth reminding that this particular district has been under the complete control of Mujahideen for the past seven years. The enemy forces have been trying since last year to take it back however have faced defeats on every attempt.
  • A puppet police vehicle was blown apart by a landmine at 04:00 pm yesterday near Lashkargah city, killing all 6 cowardly puppets onboard.
  • Mujahideen from Musa Kala report that they blew apart a USZ tank using an IED in Nabo Aka village at around 09:00 am today, killing all 5 terrorist invaders onboard. Later on, an ANA vehicle was destroyed similarly at noon time near the district bazaar. All 7 cowardly puppets onboard were killed in the attack.
  • At least 3 USZ terrorist invaders were killed during a 1 hour firefight triggered by a Mujahideen ambush on enemy patrol earlier today in Marjah’s Sistani area.
  • Reports from Baghran district say that the fight which broke out this morning between USZ terrorist invaders and Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in Piesang bazaar is still raging on. It is said that the fight broke out when the terrorist invaders entered the area by helicopters to carry out an operation, according to officials who added that at least 3 dozen terrorist invaders have so far been killed in the heavy battle whereas 4 Mujahideen have also been martyred (may Allah grant them the highest ranks in Jannah).
  • At least 4 USZ terrorist invaders were killed and 3 others wounded in Babaji’s Baizo area after their patrol was ambushed by Mujahideen at 10:00 am local time.
  • December 03: Reports from the northern Baghran district of Helmand province state that the 20 hour battle which erupted yesterday in Piesang bazaar came to an end last night at around 10:00 pm when the cowardly invaders were forced to flee by helicopters. It is said that the enemy suffered deadly casualties in the battle but their numbers are not known however their blood stains and limbs are scattered around the area. 3 Mujahideen were also martyred by enemy fire (may Allah accept them) and 5 others injured.
  • At least 2 ANA puppets were killed and 3 others including their officer were wounded at 06:00 pm yesterday when a mine detonated on their foot patrol in Nahr Siraj’s Yakhchal area.
  • The deadly battle which broke out in Azan Nawa area of Kajaki district 3 days earlier came to an end last night when the American terrorist  invaders fled the area by helicopters after taking on deadly casualties. Officials say that the enemy forces had arrived to the area to build a security post but were forced to flee after coming under fierce Mujahideen strikes for 3 days. Reports say that some 27 terrorist invaders were killed in the heavy fight whereas 5 Mujahideen have been injured in the clashes and 2 Martyred (may Allah accept them). Witnesses said that they observed enemy medical helicopters ferrying away the enemy on multiple occasions.
  • A landmine planted by Mujahideen near Sangin district bazaar tore through an American tank, killing all 6 terrorist invaders inside later  on Friday afternoon.
  • At around 11:00 am today, a USZ tank was left wrecked in Nad Ali’s Si Waik Gharbi area by a roadside bomb, killing all 6 terrorist invaders onboard.
  • 2 NATO logistical vehicles were set alight by Mujahideen during an ambush on the enemy convoy early this morning in Awpashak area of Gerishk district. 2 puppet drivers were also killed in the attack.
  • Reports from Pie-in village of Sangin district say that 3 terrorist invaders along with their dog were killed at 07:00 pm yesterday when an IED detonated on the enemy foot patrol which also wounded another 2 terrorist  invaders.
  • A USZ armored tank was blown apart in Nawzad’s Mishmast Karez area yesterday at 06:00 pm while another tank was blown apart similarly at 07:00 am this morning in Barang Karez area. All 11 terrorist invaders onboard the tanks were killed in the deadly blasts.
  • At least 3 puppet ANA soldiers were killed yesterday morning at 08:00 am when a bomb detonated on their foot patrol in Musa Kala’s Loe Karez area.
  • A USZ tank was blown apart by an IED late yesterday afternoon in Shahwalikot’s Sozniyano area, killing all 5 terrorist invaders onboard.
  • At around 04:00 pm today, a USZ military convoy was passing through Si Waik Gharbi area of Nad Ali district when a landmine struck it, destroying one tank as well as killing all 5 terrorist invaders onboard. Reports add that the entire convoy has come to a halt in the mentioned area due to fear of more deadly IEDs which have been planted by Mujahideen throughout the enemy routes.
  • December 04: 4 puppet policemen were killed at 08:00 am local time when a roadside bomb tore through their vehicle in Ainak Nomro area of Nawa district.
  • Officials reporting from Nawzad district of Helmand province say that IEDs on the road between Mishmast Karez and Sra Kala areas struck a USZ  military convoy yesterday, blowing apart a tank at 07:00 pm and another tank  at 11:00 pm, killing all 12 terrorist invaders onboard. It is said that wreckage of the tanks is still lying at their respective blast scenes this morning whereas the enemy casualties have been evacuated by terror  helicopters however some of their limbs and body parts are scattered around the area.
  • A 3 hour battle broke out yesterday morning in Param, Bidak and Charpai villages of Maiwand district as the Mujahideen attacked USZ-led terrorist invaders when they tried to carry out an operation, forcing the enemy to flee the areas after taking on heavy casualties in which some 11 terrorist invaders lost their lives. Mujahideen later on seized the equipment left behind by the enemy while 2 Mujahideen were also injured in the deadly encounters.
  • A puppet security vehicle escorting a NATO logistical convoy was destroyed this morning during an ambush by Mujahideen on the enemy convoy in Nawa’s Shor Shorak area. The number of enemy casualties caused is not known.
  • 3 puppet policemen were killed at 11:00 am today in Sarkari Wiyala area near Lashkargah city when Mujahideen ambushed their patrol.
  • A Mujahid sniper shot dead an American terrorist invader standing in front of his tank in Nahr Siraj’s Pa-en kili area this morning at around 10:00 am.
  • In Yakhchal area, Gerishk district, some 4 ANA puppet troops were killed when a mine detonated on their foot patrol at 01:00 pm local time.
  • At least 3 USZ terrorist invaders were killed in Gerishk’s Hayderabad area after a firefight at around noon time today which also left a Mujahid injured.
  • Reports from Nad Ali district of Helmand province say that heavy fight broke out this morning at 09:00 am when Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate attacked ANA and local police forces who wanted to carry out an operation in Nari Manda area. It is said that the fighting lasted till 02:00 pm in which 7 puppet troops were killed and 9 others were severely wounded whereas a Mujahid also embraced martyrdom in the clash (may Allah accept him) and another was injured.
  • December 05: Mujhaideen of Islamic Emirate seized a PKR machine gun, 2 rifles and other military equipment at 10:00 am on Saturday after shooting dead 4 ANA puppets in Spin Masjid area of Gerishk district.
An American Terrorist vehicle annihilated in a devastating IED attack by Mujahideen
  • November 29: Some 6 USZ terrorist invaders were killed this morning in Zhiri district’s Kolak area when Mujahideen carried out an attack on the enemy outpost using heavy and light weapons during which the enemy watchtower was completely destroyed after getting struck by an 82mm cannon round. In a separate attack late afternoon time today, another USZ base on Kandahar-Herat main highway in Sanghisar area came under heavy arms attack however the extent of damage and casualties caused is not known. Meanwhile a clash took place yesterday afternoon time in the district Pashmool area, forcing the cowardly terrorist invaders to flee the area after taking on deadly casualties in which some 14 terrorist invaders lost their lives. Mujahideen later on recovered some military equipment abandoned by the enemy. 
  • November 30: Reports from Maiwand district of Kandahar province say that landmines in Malalai Ziyarat area, Zia-abad and Garmawok areas blew apart 3 USZ tanks later yesterday afternoon time, killing all 16 terrorist invaders onboard.
  • Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate killed 3 cowardly puppet policemen in an ambush attack on their foot patrol in Wanola village of Ghorak district yesterday.
  • Mujahideen blew apart a USZ tank early this morning using a remote-controlled IED, killing all 6 terrorist invaders inside in Garmawok’s Karezak area, Maiwand.
  • Some 8 puppet escort security personnel were killed late yesterday afternoon when landmines destroyed 2 enemy vehicles in Maiwand district.
  • An IED blast hit the foot patrol of USZ terrorist invaders at around noon time today, leaving 1 terrorist invader dead and another 2 severely wounded in Kala Shamir’s Jogrom area, Maiwand.
  • December 01: In Nalgham’s Sarkili area, Zhiri district, at least 3 USZ terrorist invaders were killed when a mine detonated on the enemy patrol yesterday afternoon.
  • A missile fired by Mujahideen at 08:00 am today slammed inside Kandahar airbase however the extent of damage and casualties caused is not known.
  • 3 puppet contractors working for ISAF terrorist invaders were gunned down by Mujahideen in Kobi area near Kandahar city earlier today, resulting in 2 cowardly puppets getting killed whereas the third was severely wounded.
  • In the province’s Ghorak district, 4 ISAF terrorist invaders were left dead in an ambush by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate on their patrol at 12:00 pm in Surkhabad area.
  • December 02: 5 USZ tanks were blown apart by landmines in Garmawok area of Maiwand district last night during a 1 hour time span, killing all 27 terrorist invaders onboard, according to officials from the scene who add that the enemy convoy arrived to evacuate those US invaders who had landed in the area 3 days earlier to carry out an operation. Officials further say that the rest of the invaders were airlifted from the area by helicopters after the blasts whereas the convoy is stuck in Malalai Ana Ziyarat and Karezak areas surrounded by IEDs. Tens of invaders were also killed in the explosions however their exact numbers are not known.
  • Some 8 USZ terrorist invaders were killed today when their patrol was ambushed by Mujahideen in Nahr Karez area of Zhiri district.
  • A border police vehicle was left wrecked yesterday in Shorawak district after a roadside bomb ripped through it, killing all 7 puppets onboard.
  • December 03: 2 USZ tanks were obliterated by landmines in Garmawok area of Maiwand district this afternoon, killing all 12 terrorist invaders onboard. The tanks were from amongst the enemy military convoy which was entrapped and surrounded by IED for the past couple of days.
  • December 04: 7 puppet policemen onboard their vehicle perished in a powerful bomb blast this morning at 09:00 am in Dand’s Dolkan area while on their way to a nearby check post.
  • Mujahideen blew apart a tank of the civil order police using a remote-controlled IED in Panjwaee district’s Talokan area, killing all 7 cowardly puppets onboard in the later afternoon time, Saturday.
  • An American tank was left wrecked at noon time today in Panjwaee’s Mooshan area when a landmine struck it, killing all 5 terrorist invaders onboard.
  • 6 USZ terrorist invaders were killed earlier today during a 1 hour firefight with Mujahideen that was triggered by an ambush on their patrol in Zhiri’s Sanghisar area. Meanwhile a NATO logistical vehicle was torched and the puppet driver was killed by Mujahideen near Sanzari bazaar yesterday after which an attack was carried out on a USZ base located near the mentioned area but the extent of damage and casualties caused is not known.
  • A USZ tank was blown apart in Ghbargi area of Arghasan district by an IED at 07:00 pm yesterday, killing all 5 terrorist invaders onboard.

  • November 30: In Kabul province’s Paghman district, the terrorist invaders detained four noncombat civilian in a nighttime raid last night abducting innocent villagers back their base last night.
  • December 01: At least 6 cowardly terrorist invaders were killed and several others wounded Thursday when Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate had their tank blown up using improvised explosives in Sarubi district of the province on Thursday.
  • December 03: On Saturday, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate targeted military base of the French terrorist invaders Kabul’s Sarubi district. At least five missiles landed in the base, inflicting deadly damages on the enemy besides killing a dozen of the cowardly terrorist invaders, witnesses add.
  • December 05: Later on Sunday, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked terrorist invaders’ base in Sarubi, storming several missiles into the base that caused the enemy severe losses. Detailed reports say that the base facility was annihilated and dozens of terrorist invaders were seen being airlifted by terror helicopters by nearby witnesses who say that at least 2 dozen terrorist invaders lost their lives in the deadly attack by gallant Mujahideen.

  • November 30: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the enemy check post in Asmar district of Kunar province on Wednesday killing 9 cowardly puppets and wounding dozens more.
  • In the morning hours of the day, according to report from eastern Kunar province of Afghanistan, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate shot off mortar and artillery rounds striking the USZ terrorist invaders military base in Nari district, killing some 10 terrorist invaders and fatally wounding dozens more.
  • In the late afternoon hours of Wednesday, Mujahideen attacked the cowardly puppets foot patrol in Manugi district, eastern Kunar province triggering a severe fight that lasted an hour in which some 8 cowardly puppets are said to have been killed.
  • December 01: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the USZ terrorist invaders base with heavy and small arms killing 2 cowardly puppets on Thursday.
  • December 02: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate on Friday morning attacked the army post and their combat patrol with heavy arms in Kunar’s Shegal district, killing 9 cowardly puppets.
  • At least 5 USZ-led terrorist invaders were killed on Friday in a roadside bombing that targeted their tank in Surkani district of the province.
  • A clash triggered by Mujahideen attack on the terrorist invaders patrol broke out on Friday in Narang, Kunar province killing two USZ-led terrorist invaders and wounding several more.
  • NATO terrorist invaders accompanied by their puppets came under Mujahideen attack in Nari, Kunar province on Friday. Mujahideen used rockets and heavy machine guns, killing some 8 terrorist invaders and 5 of their cowardly puppets, a Mujahideen official was quoted by sources on Friday.
  • December 03: In the province’s Manugi district, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate clashed with enemy soldiers killing 2 cowadly puppets and wounding several more. Two children were, however, martyred in the enemy’s blind barbaric hostile fire.
  • A report sates that one of the USZ terror bases in the capital of Kunar province was targeted by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate with heavy arms fire in the afternoon hours of the day. At least 8 mortar rounds shot off by Mujahideen struck the target, killing some 19 terrorist invaders on the spot as well as fatally wounding dozens more besides setting alight many enemy vehicles parked in the base.
  • December 04: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate, in an encounter reported to have taken place in Manugi district of the province, killed 5 cowardly puppets on Sunday.
  • Some 12 mortar rounds landed in the USZ terrorist invaders base in the capital of Kunar province during an attack carried out by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate on Sunday, inflicting deadly damage on the enemy besides killing some one and a half dozen terrorist invaders.
  • Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the district of the Murawara in Kunar storming several mortar rounds, artillery and rocket fire into the district building on Sunday, inflicting deadly losses on the terrorist invaders, a report said, but gave no information on casualties.
  • At least 3 cowardly puppets were killed and two more wounded in Sunday attack on the puppets’ army base in Manugi district, Kunar province. Mujahideen fired several missiles causing the enemy severe damages besides the human losses.
  • There are reports that at least 16 USZ terrorist invaders and 20 of their cowardly puppets have been killed with 3 USZ tanks, 3 puppet vehicles and a supply vehicle destroyed in clashes with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate through much of the day in Manugi district of the province. The first encounter with the joint enemy occurred at about 11:00 a.m. in Tanbal district of the province killing 10 USZ terrorist invaders and 14 of their cowardly puppets with destroying 2 USZ armored tanks and two puppet ranger vehicles. Three hours later, the USZ terrorist invaders and their cowardly puppets came under Mujahideen attack elsewhere in this district, killing some 6 American terrorist and 6 of their cowardly puppets when another USZ armored tank and a puppet vehicle got annihilated in poowerful bomb attacks. Immediately afterwards, Mujahideen set ablaze a supply vehicle too, before the remaining terrorist invaders fled the battlefield.
  • December 05: A dozen of the cowardly puppets were killed while their check post got completely overrun as a result of Mujahideen surprise attack in Surkani district of Kunar province on Sunday evening.
  • Some 11 mortar rounds shot off by Mujahideen struck the enemy’s army post in the capital of Kunar on Sunday, the report said, but gave no details on the enemy’s casualties.
  • On Monday, 5 cowardly terrorist invaders were killed in a roadside bomb attack that detonated at their tank, ripping it apart to pieces in Khas Kunar district of the eastern Kunar province.
  • At least 5 USZ terrorist invaders were killed in firefight by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate which unfolded in Watapur district of the province on Monday.
An American Terrorist Invader killed in Afghanistan
  • November 29: A report indicates that 5 USZ-led terrorist invaders were killed on the spot when their armored tank got annihilated in a roadside bomb attack in the capital of Khost province on Tuesday afternoon.
  • November 30: In the capital of Khost a cowardly puppets lieutenant was shot dead in guerrilla attack. He was sniped and killed on the spot by a sniper Mujahid at about 11: 00 a.m. while riding on motorbike in Matun are in Gardez city on Wednesday, a report sates from Khost province.
  • December 01: About half dozen of the USZ-led terrorist invaders were reported dead in Alishir district, Khost province today when their patrol encountered roadside bombing.
  • At least 4 cowardly puppets were killed in an IED blast that targeted their vehicle in Sheikh Ameer district of the province on Thursday.
  • December 02: Some 5 mortars hit the terrorist invaders' military base in Khost province’s Sabro district during an attack carried out by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate on Thursday. However, there are no reports on casualties so far.
  • On Thursday Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the combined military base of the terrorist invaders and their puppets in Sabro district of Khost province, killing 7 terrorist invaders and 4 of their cowardly puppets while causing serious damage to the base facility.
  • December 03: The district of Sabro came under attack by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate on Friday, the report indicates, giving no details on the casualties.
  • Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate fired mortars and missiles at the district of Musa Khel in Khost province. According to reports, some five mortar and missiles hit the district building, killing some 5 terrorist invaders as well as devastating the district building.
  • December 04: As many as 10 cowardly puppets were killed today in Mandozi district of the province when two separate bomb explosions struck two of the enemy’s army vehicles, a Mujahideen official said on Sunday.
  • December 05: At least four missiles fired by Mujahideen struck the USZ terrorist invaders’ army base in Sheikh Ameer district on Sunday, inflicting deadly losses on the enemy. Reports add that some 9 terrorist invaders were killed in the fierce attack besides dozens more got fatally wounded.
  • Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the district of Sabro with hand grenades last night killing some 7 terrorist invaders and wounding several more besides badly damaging the enemy facility, a report from Khost province sates.
  • At least 8 cowardly puppets were killed and scores more wounded on Monday in a roadside bomb attack that targeted their vehicle in Mandozi district of Khost province.

  • November 29: In the province’s Khogiani district, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate got 1 of the USZ armored tanks blown apart with improvised explosives that killed 6 American terrorist invaders traveling in the tank on Tuesday evening, a Mujahideen official said today.
  • A severe fight was reported in Nangarhar. Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate fought a bloody battle with USZ terrorist invaders backed by their cowardly puppets in Khogaini district of the province in the evening hours of Tuesday, a Mujahideen official said, adding some 14 USZ terrorist invaders and 7 of their cowardly puppets were left dead in the encounter with dozens more fatally wounded with two of their armored tanks destroyed after being shot with rocket fire. However, 6 USZ terrorist invaders were killed in a blast in the same district.
  • November 30: At least 12 USZ terrorist invaders were killed in two separate deadly IED blasts that targeted two of the USZ terrorist invaders armored tanks in Khogaini district of this province last night at about 9 p.m. local time, the report said.
  • A series of Mujahideen attacks and bombings in the province’s Khogaini district have killed more than 40 terrorist invaders and destroyed 6 enemy armored tanks, local officials reported today. Reports added that some 23 USZ-NATO terrorist invaders were killed with 4 of their tanks destroyed in Khogaini district of this province through much of Tuesday, adding that at least 11 terrorist invaders were killed this morning as their armored tank ran over Mujahideen planted IED. A second blast occurred almost at the same time elsewhere in Khogaini district destroying the tank and leaving 6 terrorist invaders dead, bringing the total to 40+ as many fatally wounded terrorist invaders could join the death toll sooner or later.
  • At least 4 policemen of the cowardly puppets were killed Wednesday in an IED attack going off near their foot patrol in Khogaini district of the province, according to Mujahideen report from Khogaini province.
  • There is a report that the USZ terrorist invaders quit their major military base which has been under constant attack by Mujahideen today, heading for Jalalabad city backed up by aerial support. The report adds as many as 44 USZ-NATO terrorist invaders have been killed with more than 8 of their armored tanks being destroyed since yesterday in the same district of Nangarhar province.
  • December 02: On Thursday evening, Jalalabad Airfield came under attack with missiles, the report said, adding at least three missiles missed the airfield giving no details on the death and wounded.
  • Some 9 military policemen of the puppets were killed in a half-hour long clash that took place on Friday in Khogiani district, Nangarhar province after Mujahideen surprised the enemy in an ambush attack. In another report from this province, Hamisha Gul, the puppet district governor of Ghani Khel district got hurt with two of this body guards, whereas three of his puppet gunmen were killed in a powerful remote-controlled blast that struck the vehicle carrying the governor in the same district on Friday.
  • December 03: Mualim Qayyum, the Saranwal or prosecutor and three of his bodyguards got wounded Saturday morning when his vehicle came under attack in the eastern Nangarhar province’s Chaprihar district.
  • December 04: The district of Ghani Khel, Dadak Zalmay and three of his bodyguards were wounded in a roadside bomb attack as it detonated at their vehicle in the same district of the province on Sunday.
  • A planted landmine blast in the province’s Lalpura exploded at the puppets’ patrolling party Sunday, killing 5 puppets on the spot as well as destroying their vehicle.
  • December 05: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the enemy army post in Khogaini, Nangarhar on Sunday evening, killing 5 cowardly puppets during the fight, the report indicates.

  • November 29: A landmine blast in the province’s Zurmat district blew apart 1 of USZ tank leaving 6 USZ terrorist invaders dead today.
  • On Tuesday evening, Mujahideen fired 10 missiles all of which stormed into the Barmel Camp (USZ base), causing the enemy immense human losses and damaging the base, a Mujahideen official said on Wednesday, but had no details on the number of USZ terrorist invaders killed in the attack due to the havoc raised in the base after attack.
  • November 30: At least 6 missiles and mortar fired by Mujahideen hit the USZ terrorist invaders military base in Zazi Aryub district this afternoon, causing the enemy deadly losses. Reports add that some 10 terrorist invaders were killed in the deadly attack.
  • December 01: At least 12 USZ-led terrorist invaders were killed with 2 of their tanks destroyed by Mujahideen bomb attacks in Jani Khel district of the province on Thursday.
USZ armored vehicle devastated by a powerful IED blast
  • November 30: At 08:00 am in Darwaishan area, Terenkot city, an ISAF tank was torn apart by a roadside bomb, killing all 5 terrorist invaders onboard.
  • All 6 cowardly puppets onboard their tank were killed when a roadside bomb ripped through near Uruzgan provincial capital (Terenkot city) at around 05:00 pm yesterday.
  • December 03: 2 cowardly puppets were killed and another severely wounded yesterday at 09:00 am when a mine they were trying to defuse detonated on them near Dahrawod district center.
  • A bomb near Dahrawod district bazaar blew apart a puppet police motorbike yesterday morning, instantly killing 2 puppets and wounding another.

  • November 29: On Tuesday, according to report from Logar province, at least 6 cowardly terrorist invaders were killed when one of their tanks was destroyed in a Mujahideen attack in Charkh district of the province.
  • December 01: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the district of Charkh in Logar with missiles and heavy arms last night killing a number of the cowardly puppets.
  • On Thursday predawn, 3 NATO terrorist invaders were killed as a landmine blast tore through their combined patrol in Charkh district of the province.
  • December 02: A 50-year old martyr-attacker of Islamic Emirate, Muhammad Idrees hailing from eastern Nangarhar province, in a large truck packed with some 14000 kg explosives struck a military base of the USZ terrorist invaders on Friday morning at 8:00 a.m., killing as many as 39 USZ terrorist invaders and fatally wounding several dozens more. Reports say the USZ terrorist invaders’ base, what is believed to be the center of the concern for the dwellers of Logar province, in particular, for the entire residents of Muhammad Agha district where the base was located and from where the USZ terrorist invaders used to terrorize the region and butcher the innocent and helpless Afghan civilians through their night raids, airstrikes, turning the entire region into a nightmare for the innocent civilians, was flattened to the ground, killing and wounding a larger number of the USZ terrorist invaders. The blast was so powerful that it damaged the nearby district building of Muhammad Agha district, the reports further say.
  • At least 3 cowardly puppets were killed and four more got wounded after a clash prompted by an attack by Mujahideen aimed at the enemy foot patrol in Charkh district of the province on Friday.
  • In the province’s Kharwar district, Mujahideen clashed the with USZ terrorist invaders on Friday at about 12:00 pm, killing some 5 cowardly terrorist invaders before the remaining fled the battlefield as per their trademark move of cowardice.
  • A clash erupted in the afternoon hours of the day following an ambush attack by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in the capital of Logar province and continued for about an hour in which some 5 puppet policemen were killed.
  • 2 cowardly terrorist invaders were reported dead in Logar province today. The targets were doing a guard duty when they got sniped and instantly killed in Baraki Barak district of the province, reports say.
  • December 03: At least 4 cowardly puppets were killed on Saturday morning at about 7:00 a.m. in the district of Muhammad Agha, Logar province after their patrolling party came under Mujahideen attack triggering a 30-minute long fight, a Mujahideen official said on Saturday, adding that no Mujahids have been harmed during the fighting by Allah's grace.
  • December 05: A report from Logar province states some 6 cowardly terrorist invaders got eliminated on Sunday after the enemy’s armored tank ran over Mujahideen planted IED in the province’s Kharwar district.

  • November 30: A dozen of the USZ terrorist invaders were killed early Wednesday morning at about 5:00 a.m. local time following an attack on their base in Noorgram district of the province.
  • December 03: An intelligence officer of the puppets, Abdul Hameed was killed in a guerrilla attack today near the center of Want district of Nooristan province. He was shot and killed instantly by a Mujahid sniper from undisclosed place.

  • December 02: On Friday, a roadside bomb attack killed 5 NATO terrorist invaders when it set off under their armored tank blowing it to pieces in the city of Kunduz, the capital of Kunduz province.
  • Terrorist invaders, as always, stormed into a villagers compound in village on the outskirts of Kunduz city. After ruthlessly beating the villagers, the cowardly terrorist invaders abducted two helpless civilians in a nighttime raid last night, the report said. The terrorist invaders snatched as much cash and jewelry as was available from the house of the poor noncombatant villagers.
  • December 05: Syed Akbar, a puppet commander got shot and killed today by Mujahid sniper in Khan Abad district of the province, local officials reported.

  • December 02: At least 2 ANA puppets were killed and 3 others including an NDS agent were wounded in Shahjoe district bazaar when explosives packed into a motorbike were detonated on the enemy convoy at 11:00 am. It is said that an enemy vehicle was also destroyed in the bomb blast, killing all 8 puppets onboard.
  • In the province’s Atghar district, 2 ANA puppet vehicles were destroyed, killing all 16 puppets onboard at 08:00 am when 2 IEDs hit the enemy convoy in Angori area.
  • A police check post near Arghandab district was attacked by Mujahideen yesterday however the enemy casualties caused is not known.
  • December 05: Some 5 cowardly puppet policemen were killed near Shomolzo district center when a roadside bomb destroyed their vehicle at around 01:00 pm yesterday.

  • November 30: An enemy bulldozer building a new outpost for ISAF forces was blown apart earlier today in Pusht Hassan area of Khashrod district.
  • December 01: Some 8 ANA cowardly puppets were killed yesterday afternoon in Khakrez’s Pusht Hassan area when Mujahideen detonated a remote-controlled landmine as the enemy forces gathered at a site where a check post was planned to be built, according to witnesses.
  • A roadside bomb attack at 11:00 am local time near Delaram district center destroyed a vehicle of puppet forces, killing 4 cowardly puppets onboard.
  • On later Wednesday afternoon time, a vehicle of cowardly puppets was blown apart near Lokhi Hotel of Khashrod district, instantly killing 2 cowardly puppets onboard.
  • December 02: The weapon and equipment of a police officer were seized yesterday at dusk time by Mujahideen after shooting him dead in Delaram district bazaar.
  • December 03: A NATO logistical convoy passing through Delaram’s Lakhchak Awal area was struck by a roadside bomb at 08:00 am local time, leaving 1 enemy vehicle wrecked as well as killing all 7 terrorist invaders onboard.
  • December 04: An ANA vehicle was left wrecked near Pusht Hassan Hotel of Khashrod district after a one and a half hour attack by Mujahideen on the enemy convoy, killing some 10 cowardly puppets onboard the vehicle.
  • At around 01:00 pm today, firstly Mujahideen blew apart a USZ tank with an IED in Khashrod’s Miyanzo area after which the terrorist invaders military motorbike arriving at the area was also targeted and blown apart. It is said that all 9 terrorist invaders onboard were killed in the blasts.

  • November 30: At least 5 USZ terrorist invaders were killed  on Wednesday when their tank got hit and destroyed in IED bombing in Alingar district of the province, according to a report from Laghman province.
  • December 01: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the district of Alishang in Laghman with missiles that lasted for about half an hour, killing scores of the cowardly puppets based in the district facility but the exact extent of the losses is not determined yet.
  • At least 12 cowardly puppets were killed with 2 of their tanks destroyed in two separate attacks by Mujahideen in Qarghayee district of the province.
  • December 02: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked USZ terrorist invaders' military base in Alingar district of the province on Friday causing the enemy deadly losses in which some 15 terrorist invaders were killed. Witnesses from the area add that terror helicopters were seen airlifting the dead and wounded terrorist invaders until several hours after the deadly Mujahideen attack.
  • December 03: Some 12 missiles were stormed by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate into the meeting place disrupting the meeting opened by Governor in Dawlat Shah district on Friday, causing a panic among the participants, the report said, but gave no figures on the casualties.
  • December 04: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate last night attacked an ANA puppet post in the capital of Laghman province, the report said, without giving information on the dead and wounded.

  • November 30: A dozen of the terrorist invaders were killed in clash with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Deh Yak district of Ghazni province on Wednesday.
  • A dozen of the terrorist invaders were killed in a clash with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate that occurred in Andar district of the province on Wednesday.
  • A roadside bomb attack killed 3 cowardly terrorist invaders and wounded a number of them Wednesday in Giro district of the province as it set off near their foot patrol , a report states from Ghazni province.
  • December 01: District of Khogaini of Ghazni province came under Mujahideen attack on Thursday killing a number of the cowardly puppets.
  • December 02: A fight broke out on Friday at about 9:00 am in Andar district, Ghazni province following an attack on the Soviet terrorist invaders’ foot patrol and lasted an hour killing 7 besides fatally wounding several more, a report indicated.
  • A bomb explosion in the province’s Khogaini district on Friday detonated at the puppets, killing two puppets and leaving another wounded.
  • December 03: Last night, the cowardly terrorist invaders amid their usual illegal cowardly raids on innocent civilian homes, stormed into one civilian's house and abducted three innocent civilians in Khogaini district of the province.
  • A dozen of the USZ-led terrorist invaders were reported dead on Saturday in a clash with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate that unfolded in the province’s Adar district.
  • A severe clash was reported in Ghazni province in Giro district following by an ambush attack aimed at the enemy’s patrol that lasted an hour in which 6 USZ-led terrorist invaders were killed today.
  • December 05: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate had a deadly encounter with cowardly puppets followed by a surprise attack on an enemy convoy carrying supplies to the terrorist invaders. Some 4 security puppets were killed and scores more fatally wounded whereas 4 supply trucks and three military which were being taken for the terrorist invaders' usage, were blown apart to pieces in Andar district of the province today, a Mujahideen official said on Monday.

  • December 01: At least 7 cowardly puppets were killed on Thursday in a blast detonating at their tank in Markazi district of Baghlan province.
  • December 02: A two-hour long gunfight on Monday left 2 puppets killed while wounding scores more. The fight broke out in Julga district of northern Baghlan province following an ambush attack by Mujahideen on the cowardly puppets. No Mujahideen were hurt in the battle with the grace of Allah.

  • December 01: A planted landmine blast in Wardag province exploded at a puppet tank outside the police headquarter killing 6 cowardly puppets on Thursday.
  • December 02: At least 5 NATO terrorist invaders and 9 of their cowardly puppets were killed in clashes with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate, a report said, adding 1 tank and 1 military vehicle were also eliminated in the fighting.
  • December 03: A roadside bomb set off under the terrorist invaders’ armored tank in Wardag’s Syedabad district on Saturday afternoon leaving 6 USZ-led terrorist invaders dead.

  • December 01: A puppet police commander (Muhammad) was shot dead, his rifle and equipment seized by Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate last night in Pashtoon Kot district’s Pokanyano area.

  • December 01: A tragedy struck Kapisa province today at about 4:00 p.m. as the heartless terrorist invaders of the French forces, without any reason that could be seen, invaded the house of a noncombatant civilian Muhammad Zaman, a civilian who was known to be a fair and religious tribal elder and who just got back home from performing Hajj (pilgrimage) two days ago. The monstrous invaders after storming into his compund, brutally martyred Muhammad Zaman and five of his guests Gul Hasan, Muhammad Nazir, Mir Afghan Kochi, Shah Mahmood and Muhammad who had come to congratulate him on performing Hajj and wounded three other members of his family and guests in Tagab district of this province. With the heinous invaders’ raids increasing against defenseless civilians, what we believe to be wicked acts of terrorism, with the USZ-NATO and their allied forces playing with the lives of the helpless and innocent Afghans, the civilian casualties have hit the record level.
  • Hundreds of Angry Afghans took to street on Sunday protesting the martyrdom of Haji Zaman and 5 other innocent civilians in Saturday’s raid by French terrorist invaders in Tagab district, Kapisa province. Fierce protesters chanted slogans against Karzai’s puppets regime and the USZ-NATO terrorist invaders strongly condemning the French inhumane crime. Meanwhile, the puppets attacked the marching protesters, martyring a civilian Imran and leaving 6 more wounded. Among those wounded are Atiqullah, Bakhat Zada, Agha Shirin, Zia-ul-Haq and two others.

  • December 01: A NATO logistical convoy traveling on Kandahar-Herat main highway through Farah province was ambushed by Mujahideen earlier today in Bakwa district’s Pazki area in which 2 escort security vehicles were shot and destroyed with RPG rounds whereas 6 cowardly puppets were also killed, 2 rifles, 1 wireless communicator and other equipment were seized.
  • December 02: Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate set alight a check post being built for puppet police in Bala Bolak’s Sfirak area last night after an armed attack.
  • December 02: A roadside bomb planted by Mujahideen in Pashtoon Zarghoon district of Herat province detonated on an Italian tank late yesterday afternoon, killing all 6 terrorist invaders onboard. The wreckage of the tank is still lying at the blast scene.
  • December 03: Some 4 cowardly puppet policemen were killed in Tartal area of Kohistan district and 3 others wounded when Mujahideen carried out an attack on the enemy check post.
  • December 05: A 3 hour firefight broke out yesterday at 03:00 pm in Rabat-e-Sangi district when Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate ambushed a joint USZ-Afghan enemy military convoy in Yaka Tut area. Reports add that some 10 terrorist invaders were killed in the deadly encounter and 4 of their cowardly puppets were also killed alongside.
  • 5 missiles fired by Mujahideen last night slammed into Herat airbase which houses Italian terrorist invaders and their puppets however the extent of damage and casualties caused is not known.

  • December 01: Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate, during an ambush on a local police patrol at noon time today destroyed 4 enemy motorbikes near Daraboom district center, officials said adding that another motorbike was later recovered from the scene. The number of enemy casualties caused is however not known.
  • December 02: 2 puppet policemen were shot dead at noon time today by Mujahideen in an ambush near Marghab district center as both the puppets were on their way to a nearby check post.

  • December 01: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate on Thursday attacked the USZ terrorist invaders’ base in Naka district of the province, storming 5 powerful missiles into the base but it is unclear if anyone was killed or wounded.
  • December 04: As many as 9 mortar and cannon rounds shot off by Mujahideen landed in the invaders’ army base in two separate attacks on Sunday inflicting severe losses on the enemy in Naka, Paktika province.
  • December 05: Commander Aman and two of his soldiers were killed and 8 more puppets hurt on Monday morning following a Mujahideen attack on the Police headquarter in district of Chamkani district of Paktia province.

Pakistan Cyber Force

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