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Saturday, December 10, 2011

559 USZ-led Terrorist Invaders, 317 puppets killed; 45 tanks, dozens of supply trucks wrecked - Afghanistan Operation Badar

Operation Badar reports (Afghanistan)
(05 - 10 Dec, 2011)

These reports have been received from Mullah Mohammad Omar's official spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesman of Islamic Emirate Qari Yousuf Ahmadi as well as some other on-ground sources in Afghanistan which include several cowardly cowardly puppet regime sources. War crimes committed by USZ, NATO and their cowardly puppets have been highlighted in red below.

  • December 05: Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate killed 8 puppet troops in Panjwaee’s Zangawat area after blowing apart their vehicle using a remote-controlled mine to target their convoy.
  • USZ cowardly terrorist invaders suffered deadly casualties yesterday in Anzar Shali area of Nawzad district after 11 IED’s detonated on them while trying to carry out an operation in the area. Reports add that some 35 terrorist invaders were killed in the blasts along with dozens more horribly wounded.
  • All 6 ANA puppets onboard their tank were killed when a mine ripped through it in Sarkari Wiyala area near Lashkargah city at 11:30 am today.
  • December 06: A roadside bomb near Khwaja Ahmad hill of Nawa district struck and destroyed the tank of USZ cowardly terrorist invaders, killing all 6 terrorist invaders inside at 09:00 am yesterday.
  • 2 USZ tanks of USZ cowardly terrorist invaders were blown apart by landmines last night, killing all 11 terrorist invaders onboard as the enemy military convoy was passing through Sra Kala area, Gerishk.
  • In Haji Gul Baba village located near Sangin district, a USZ tank was blown apart by an IED last night at 08:00 pm, killing all 6 cowardly terrorist invaders onboard.
  • A local puppet police officer was killed and another wounded yesterday at noon when a bomb blast struck their foot patrol in Gerishk’s Da Adam Khan area.
  • Mujahideen from Nahr Siraj’s Yakhchal area say that an IED initially detonated on a joint USZ-Afghan foot patrol at 02:00 pm after which 2 more IED’s simultaneously hit the enemy as they tried to approach the area to evacuate the casualties. It is said that 3 enemy troops were killed in the blasts and 4 others severely wounded.
  • December 07: In Bari area, near Gerishk district center, a 100 Kg landmine obliterated an ISAF tank to bits, killing all 5 cowardly terrorist invaders inside. It is said that the cowardly terrorist invaders were from the country of Denmark, the body parts of whom are still scattered around the area.
  • 13 more ISAF cowardly terrorist invaders were killed at noon time today while several others were wounded when 4 IEDs simultaneously detonated on the enemy patrol in Da Adam Khan area, Gerishk, who had gathered to investigate a bomb blast which had blown apart a tank last night at 07:00 pm.
  • An American tank was blown apart by a landmine, killing all 5 cowardly terrorist invaders inside yesterday at 06:00 pm in Sangin district’s Khakash Karez area.
  • Earlier today at around 09:00 am, a police vehicle was targeted and destroyed with an IED in Sangin’s Tarmi Manda area, killing 3 puppets onboard and wounding another 4 others.
  • At least 4 USZ cowardly terrorist invaders were killed yesterday afternoon when a mine detonated on their foot patrol Mullah Abdul Aziz Akhond village of Babaji region, Lashkargah.
  • Reports from Musa Kala district of Helmand province say that 2 USZ tanks were blown up by landmines near the mountains of Landi Manda area earlier today, killing all 13 cowardly terrorist invaders onboard.
  • December 08: Some 2 cowardly puppet troops were killed and another 2 wounded in Nahr Siraj region’s Yakhchal area after an armed attack yesterday afternoon. Meanwhile another attack was carried out on puppet troops in Goban area at 09:00 am yesterday as the enemy forces were preparing to carry out an operation in the area. The number of enemy casualties caused is however not known.
  • 2 USZ tanks were blown apart by landmines, killing all 11 cowardly terrorist invaders onboard as the enemy military convoy was passing through Garma Karez area of Nawzad district yesterday afternoon. Separately, a bomb blast yesterday afternoon time in Anzar Sahli area of the district killed 2 more USZ cowardly terrorist invaders and wounded another 2 after detonating on their foot patrol.
Cowardly terrorist invaders are lying dead in Helmand
  • At 09:00 am today, an ANA tank was left wrecked in Safyano area of Lashkargah city after an IED attack, killing all 6 puppets onboard.
  • At least 6 USZ cowardly terrorist invaders were killed near Haji Kareem Aka village of Babaji region earlier today after a 1 hour firefight with Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate.
  • A police check post commander was killed yesterday afternoon after Mujahideen carried out an attack on the enemy check post located in Nahr Siraj’s Balouchano area.
  • A roadside bomb in Musa Kala’s Doab area hit the foot patrol of USZ troops at 11:00 am today, killing 2 cowardly terrorist invaders on the spot and leaving another 2 horribly wounded.
  • Enemy medical helicopters were seen airlifting enemy casualties after 2 USZ tanks were blown apart in Barang Karez area of Nawzad district yesterday afternoon and night time, killing all 10 terrorist invaders onboard.
  • December 09: Reports from Lashkargah city say that early this morning, 10 Mujahideen who were arrested by ISAF terrorist invaders managed to escape from a PRT branch where they were held early this morning. Officials from the province say that the Mujahideen, who were held for a while, later on safely reached their bases after a successful jail break.
  • Some 3 puppet troops were killed in a 1 hour firefight with Mujahideen which broke out this morning at 09:00 am in Bari Gul bazaar of Nad Ali district.
  • December 10: Mujahideen blew apart the vehicle of puppet border police at 06:30 am local time using a remote-controlled IED in Lashkargah’s Sharwali Chawk area, killing all 6 puppets onboard.
  • An ambush by Mujahideen in Gerishk’s Hayderabad area on a USZ foot patrol left 1 terrorist invader dead and another wounded late yesterday afternoon.
  • A USZ foot patrol was targeted with 2 mines at around dusk time yesterday, killing 4 cowardly terrorist invaders on the spot and fatally wounding 3 others in Mazarabad area of Musa Kala district.
  • At 07:00 am today, a puppet police vehicle was targeted and destroyed by a powerful landmine in Lashkargah city’s Nomro area, killing all 5 cowardly puppets onboard.
  • Cowardly USZ-led terrorist invaders fled back to their base at 04:00 pm today from Balouchano area of Nahr Siraj region after 1 cowardly terrorist invader was killed and another wounded in an armed attack on their foot patrol by Mujahideen.
  • In Babaji’s Loe Manda area, Lashkargah, a sniper Mujahid of Islamic Emirate shot dead 1 ISAF terrorist invader at 01:00 pm while the enemy soldier was standing guard in front of his security post.

  • December 05: Reports arriving from Maiwand district say that a USZ tank was blown apart in Kala Shamir area late yesterday afternoon whereas at 12:00 pm today, another tank was destroyed similarly by a landmine in Khogyano area while the third tank was obliterated at 01:00 pm local time near the district center in Chilgazi area. All 17 cowardly terrorist invaders onboard the tanks were killed. Meanwhile, an ambush by Mujahideen in Garmawok area yesterday at around 02:00 pm left a police vehicle wrecked, killing all 6 cowardly puppets onboard.
  • A mine in detonated and killed 4 puppet gunmen of district commander of Shahwalikot district (Bacha Khan) and wounded 2 others on Saturday, Dec. 03.
  • USZ cowardly terrorist invaders fled from Ghorak district of Kandahar province after taking on heavy casualties, with 26 terrorist invaders dead and losing a number of their armored vehicles when several mines detonated on them during a course of the past few days as the cowardly terrorist invaders tried to carry out an operation against Mujahideen in the area.
  • December 06: 3 NATO logistical vehicles were destroyed after catching fire during a Mujahideen attack on the enemy convoy which also left an escort puppet security guard wounded late yesterday afternoon in Kala Shamir area of Maiwand district.
  • Reports from Zhiri’s Sanghisar area say that ISAF terrorist invaders carried out an illegal raid on a village of Bedouins last night and then took away 8 innocent civilians including 2 white bearded elders after savagely searching their homes.
  • 5 innocent civilians were detained and taken away by gutless terrorist invaders of ISAF last night after a cowardly raid on a village in Sur Ghar (red mountain) located near Maiwand district center, according to officials who added that the cowardly terrorist invaders also detained 2 defenseless Imams after storming their mosque in Mira Khor area late on Monday afternoon.
  • At least 5 puppet border police were killed in Boldak district late yesterday afternoon when a roadside bomb ripped though their vehicle.
  • 3 puppet policemen were killed at 12:00 pm with an IED which was detonated on them as they tried to get back into their parked vehicle parked near Pashmool’s Jumma Bazaar, Zhiri. Their vehicle was later set ablaze by Mujahideen.
A USZ Terrorist Invaders' military vehicle (Humvee) wrecked in a terrible IED blast
  • USZ cowardly terrorist invaders fled from Zhiri’s Baghdadi area after suffering deadly casualties from a Mujahideen ambush on their foot patrol this morning at 09:00 am local time. Reports add that some 14 terrorist invaders lost their lives in the deadly Mujahideen attack whereas several others sustained horrible injuries.
  • Earlier today, Mujahideen carried out a heavy arms attack on a USZ base located in Zhiri’s Sanghisar area during which 2 missiles slammed inside the enemy base however the extent of damage and casualties caused is not known.
  • December 07: USZ cowardly terrorist invaders and their puppets backed by airpower have opened a large scale operation this morning in Band Taimor area of Maiwand district, according to officials in the area. It is said that a police vehicle was arriving to the area this morning at 08:00 am when an IED blew it apart in Band Taimor’s Baibanak area, killing all 7 puppet troops onboard.
  • A landmine in Zhiri’s Kolak area tore apart an ANA tank, killing 5 puppets inside late on Tuesday afternoon.
  • Reports from Band Taimor area of Maiwand district say that a USZ tank was blown apart by a remote-controlled IED early this morning in Jogroom area. All 5 cowardly terrorist invaders onboard were killed. It should be reminded that the cowardly terrorist invaders backed by their puppets have started an operation in the area this morning. It is said that a huge enemy convoy is headed towards Band Taimor but have so far been targeted with landmines twice this morning, the first one of which blew apart a puppet troops vehicle as reported earlier.
  • At least 5 USZ terrorist invaders were killed and 3 others wounded in Khak Chopan area of Maiwand district when Mujahideen ambushed the enemy convoy yesterday while travelling on Kandahar-Herat main highway. It is said that an enemy vehicle was also badly damaged in the attack.
  • Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate carried out an armed attack, using heavy and light weapons, this afternoon on a USZ military post located in Zhiri’s Solghi area however the extent of damage and casualties caused is not known.
  • Mujahideen struck and destroyed a vehicle of puppet troops with an IED packed with metal fragments, killing 1 puppet onboard and wounding another in Nada area of Zhiri district yesterday afternoon.
  • December 08: An IED planted by Mujahideen in Bacha Agha area near Maiwand district center struck and destroyed a vehicle of puppet troops late yesterday afternoon, killing all 12 cowardly puppets onboard.
  • Reports from Maiwand district say that a USZ tank was blown apart by an IED in Kala Shamir’s Jogrom area this morning at 08:00 am and another tank was blown apart at 09:00 am in Mama Karez area. All 13 cowardly terrorist invaders onboard were killed in the deadly blasts. Separately, a clash took place in Mandozai area of Kala Shamir region this morning however the number of enemy casualties caused is not known. It should be mentioned that the cowardly terrorist invaders and their puppets have opened up a huge operation in Maiwand district’s Kala Shamir and Band Taimor areas but have so far not had any success whereas 6 of their military vehicles have been destroyed since yesterday.
  • All 6 cowardly terrorist invaders onboard their tank were killed when an IED ripped through it yesterday in Panjwaee district. Meanwhile a second blast at 09:00 am in the district’s destroyed another USZ tank in Mooshan area killing all 5 cowardly terrorist invaders onboard.
  • Mujahideen detonated a remote-controlled mine on the foot patrol of puppet troops yesterday in Arghandab district however the number of casualties caused is not known.
  • A USZ tank was blown apart by an IED near Bahawudding Jan Agha Darbar areaof Band Taimor region, Maiwnad district this morning at around 08:00 am this morning, killing all 6 cowardly terrorist invaders onboard.
  • December 09: At around dusk time yesterday, an ambush was carried out on puppet troops in Arghandab district, leaving 1 puppet dead and another 2 severely wounded.
  • As many as 26 ANA puppets were killed yesterday afternoon when an IED detonated in the base of the enemy (Qaul Urdu), located near Kandahar airfield detonated as the ANA troops were graduating and being handed their documents by foreign invaders.
  • 2 USZ tanks were blown apart by landmines planted by Mujahideen in Kala Shamir’s Chishmo area, Maiwand district yesterday afternoon, killing all 5 cowardly terrorist invaders onboard, according to officials from the scene who add that another IED caused the terrorist invaders more casualties after detonating on them as they gathered around the initial blast scenes, killing some 9 more cowardly terrorist invaders on the spot.
  • December 10: 2 cowardly puppet troops onboard their vehicle were killed when a roadside bomb ripped through it in Maiwand’s Bacha Agha Gudar area yesterday afternoon.

  • December 05: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate, in a half-hour long fighting occurred after the district of Bak, Khost province came under Mujahideen attack, killed 6 cowardly puppets on Monday.
  • December 06: A roadside bomb ripping through the cowardly terrorist invaders’ armored tank Monday in Bak district of Khost province, killed 6 NATO cowardly terrorist invaders onboard. Also on Monday, one of the cowardly terrorist invaders’ trackers outside the military base of the cowardly terrorist invaders got hit by landmine blast blowing it apart and killing one cowardly terrorist invader in Alisher district of the province.
  • December 08: The district of Sabro, Khost province came under target by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate on Wednesday. Mujahideen fired rockets, mortars and missiles at the district, likely to have caused the enemy severe losses.
  • Zamria Bashar Dust and three policemen were badly wounded in Mujahideen attack on the district of Bak, Khost province. Mujahideen targeted the district building with heavy and small arms fire damaging the building badly later on Wednesday.
  • December 09: A puppet spy, Khan Muhammad was shot and killed by a Mujahid sniper with long-range in the capital of Khost province on Thursday.

  • December 06: At least 5 USZ-led cowardly terrorist invaders were killed and 2 more got hurt Monday when their tank got hit and destroyed in Mujahideen planted bomb attack in Muqur district of the province.
  • A dozen of the NATO cowardly terrorist invaders were killed in a clash with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate following a surprise attack by Mujahideen aimed at the enemy foot patrol in Andar district of the province.
  • December 07: A puppet of ANA got sniped and killed instantly after he was shot in a guerrilla attack in Andar district of the eastern Ghazni province on Tuesday.
  • At least 6 NATO cowardly terrorist invaders were killed Tuesday when their armored tank got targeted in Mujahideen improvised explosives in Deh Yak district, reports say.
  • On Wednesday, a roadside bomb blast tore through one of the cowardly terrorist invaders’ supply trucks apart, blowing it to pieces and it's wreckage burned to ashes.
  • A fight between Mujahideen and the cowardly NATO terrorist invaders was reported in the eastern Ghazni province on Tuesday. At least 11 NATO cowardly terrorist invaders got reportedly killed and several more got hurt.
  • December 08: On Thursday, according to a report from Ghazni province, some 8 puppets were killed in deadly blast that went off near the puppets patrolling party in Ab Band district of this province.
  • December 09: At least 9 NATO cowardly terrorist invaders were killed in an encounter with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate Thursday, the report said, adding that four Mujahideen and two civilians were left wounded in the blind USZ airstrikes.
  • At least 4 mortar rounds fired by Mujahideen landed in the PRT in Gilan district of the province on Friday killing a dozen of the cowardly terrorist invaders.

  • December 05: On Monday evening, according to a report from Jalalabad city, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate stormed missiles into the Airfield in Jalalabad city, two of which struck the target but the magnitude of the losses is not determined yet.
  • At least 2 puppets were killed Monday in a clash with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate prompted by an by Mujahideen on the enemy army post in the province’s Khogaini district. Also Monday, in the province’s Pachir Agam district of this province one policeman of the puppets got killed with a further five wounded in fighting following an attack on the puppets check post.
  • December 06: A report says a bomb blast Tuesday caused the puppets fatal losses in Behsood, Nangarhar province. The landmine blast exploded to a patrol team of the puppets, killing 7 puppets instantly besides horribly wounding several more.
  • At least 6 USZ-led cowardly terrorist invaders were killed when their foot patrol encountered Mujahideen planted mine in Nangarhar province’s Chaprihar district on Monday.
  • December 09: Later on Thursday, Mujahideen fought a severe fight with puppets in Khogaini, Nangarhar province and took their check post under fire that killed some 4 puppet policemen and wounded 7 more, a Mujahideen official said on Friday.
  • December 10: A blast in Nangarhar province’s Khogiani instantly killed 5 cowardly terrorist invaders as it detonated under their tank later on Friday. Also on Friday Mujahideen attack on enemy post killed 2 puppet policemen and hurt three more.
A USZ supply truck burning in Afghanistan

  • December 05: A border police vehicle hit a landmine planted by Mujahideen in near Shomolzo district center late yesterday afternoon time, killing all 9 puppets onboard.
  • On Sunday afternoon in Nawbahar district’s Lwarhgi area, an ISAF tank was torn apart by a roadside bomb, killing all 6 cowardly terrorist invaders inside.
  • December 06: Reports arriving from Shahjoe district of Zabul province indicate that a martyrdom attack took place at 01:00 pm on an ISAF cowardly terrorist invaders military convoy in Khaarjoe area. Details of the operation say that the attack was carried out by a hero of Islamic Emirate (Muhammad Nabi, a resident of Uruzgan’s Chora district) when he rammed his explosives laden vehicle into the enemy convoy as the convoy was moving along on the main road. It is said that 3 enemy tanks were completely destroyed in the powerful explosion whereas 12 cowardly terrorist invaders were also killed. The area has been cordoned off from public and enemy helicopters are busy airlifting the casualties.
  • December 07: 2 border police vehicles were blown apart by landmines late yesterday afternoon, killing all 15 puppets onboard as the enemy convoy was passing on the road through Dab village of Shomolzo district.
  • Reports from Shinki district say that a military convoy of puppet forces on its way to Shomolzo district was struck by IED’s near Shaw Khelo village, destroying an enemy ambulance and an armored tank as well as killing all 8 puppets onboard yesterday at around 08:00 am.
  • At 10:00 am local time, a vehicle of puppet troops was destroyed in Arghandab’s Surkh Sang area when a roadside bomb ripped through it, killing all 7 puppets onboard.
  • A mine planted by Mujahideen in Shahr-e-Safa’s Jaldak area detonated on and destroyed a vehicle of puppet troops, killing all 9 cowardly puppets onboard at 02:00 pm yesterday.
  • December 09: Officials say that ISAF terrorist invaders carried out a raid at midnight on Thursday in Shibar area of Shahjoe district but faced stern Mujahideen resistance for two days. It is said that an ambush attack was also carried out last night at 09:00 pm, causing the terrorist invaders more casualties in Lodin village which finally forced the enemy to flee the area by helicopters. Reports add that a total of at least 31 cowardly terrorist invaders were killed in the deadly battle, the dead bodies of all of whom were left behind in the battlefield by cowardly terrorist invaders.
  • December 10: An ANA tank was torn apart yesterday afternoon by a remote-controlled IED, killing all 6 puppets onboard near Landi village of Nawbahar district.

  • December 05: On Monday, Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the USZ cowardly terrorist invaders base with heavy and small arms in Watapur district of the province. The base was under siege for about 7 hours in which the cowardly terrorist invaders took deadly losses damaging a large part of the base. Reports add that some 25 terrorist invaders were killed besides dozens more horribly wounded.
  • December 06: A dozen of the cowardly terrorist invaders were killed in a clash with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate happening in Chowki district of the province on Monday.
  • December 07: As many as 10 mortar rounds struck the USZ cowardly terrorist invaders’ army base in Narang district of Kunar during a morning attack launched by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate on Wednesday. No casualties are reported in Wednesday’s attack.
  • At least 7 cowardly terrorist invaders were killed and scores more terribly wounded on Wednesday in Asmar, Kunar province following an attack by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate. The base was hit with heavy and small arms causing the enemy severe damages besides human losses.
  • December 08: Some 10 mortar rounds hit the USZ cowardly terrorist invaders’ army base in Nari district of Kunar province when it took under target from an undisclosed area on Wednesday. Also on Wednesday, Mujahideen stormed as many as 12 mortar strikes into the USZ cowardly terrorist invaders’ base in Surkani district of the province.
  • December 09: A recent report states that some 12 cowardly puppets including the district police chief of Ghazi Abad, Asmaeel got killed in a deadly martyrdom operation that struck them in Ghazi Abad district of Kunar province today at around 1:30 pm local time. A lone Mujahid blew up his explosive-filled vest as soon as the vehicle carrying the target approached the Nasha Gam area in the stated district, smashing the vehicle into pieces and killing the puppet police chief and 11 of his soldiers instantly, the report adds.
  • December 10: About half dozen of the NATO terrorist invaders and 5 of their puppets were killed on Saturday in Mujahideen attack carried out on the enemy base in Watapur district of the province.
  • Some 5 USZ terrorist invaders were killed in a bomb explosion aimed at their tank in Surkani, Kunar province on Friday. The tank is reported to have been destroyed fully. 

  • December 05: 4 cowardly puppets onboard their vehicle were instantly killed this morning when a bomb near Delaram district bazaar ripped it.
  • A van like vehicle of ANA puppets was destroyed in an IED attack at 08:00 am, killing all 12 puppets onboard near Delaram district bazaar.

  • December 09: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate stormed several missiles at the combined base of the puppets and their master cowardly terrorist invaders in Dushi district of Baghlan province on Friday but it is not apparent how many enemy troops have been killed yet.

  • December 05: Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in Pashtoon Kot district of northern Faryab province arrested 5 puppet policemen and seized 5 rifles, 1 PKR machine gun and other military equipment after overrunning the enemy check post which lies on the road between Almar district an Maimana city (provincial capital) last night at around 11:00 pm. The fate of the policemen will be decided by the provincial military commission of Islamic Emirate.
  • At least 2 puppet police were left severely wounded at 03:00 am local time when Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in Almar district carried out a 1 hour attack on the enemy post located in Qazal Kotal area.
  • December 08: The highway police commander (Azeem) along with several of his gunmen were killed with one enemy vehicle destroyed by RPG fire during heavy fighting which erupted near Almar district center this afternoon and is still ongoing.
  • The fighting which took place near Almar district center this afternoon came to an end before dusk time, officials said adding that the local highway police commander was killed in the fighting, 8 other puppets wounded and 1 enemy vehicle destroyed whereas 2 Mujahideen were also injured in the clash.

  • December 05: A new report from Badakhshan province points out as many as 30 cowardly puppet policemen who had launched an offensive against Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate based in the area, have been captured by Mujahideen so far during the fighting with their weapons and 22 of their vehicles. The fighting broke out in Wardaj district of the northern Badakhshan province on Monday at about 3:00 p.m. and continued for hours, killing 27 cowardly terrorist invaders and 15 of their puppets while one of the Mujahids has been wounded during the fighting. The police chief of Shuhada district is said to be among those captured in Monday’s fighting.

  • December 06: At least 6 NATO cowardly terrorist invaders and 4 of their hireling puppets were killed and four more got seriously wounded when on Tuesday in a clash with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate unfolding in Kharwar district of the province.
  • December 07: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate fought a one-hour long battle with the cowardly soldiers of the NATO cowardly terrorist invaders early Wednesday morning in Baraki Barak district, Logar province, a Mujahideen official said on Wednesday, adding that 5 cowardly terrorist invaders were killed, whereas a Mujahid took injury during the fighting.
  • December 08: A roadside bomb explosion set off under cowardly terrorist invaders armored tank in Baraki Barak district, Logar province on Thursday leaving 6 NATO cowardly terrorist invaders dead.
  • At least 6 NATO cowardly terrorist invaders were killed Thursday morning in bloody fighting with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate on in Kharwar district, Logar province, three of the Mujahideen, however, took injury in the resulting cowardly terrorist invaders’ airstrikes.
  • December 09: Some 4 cowardly terrorist invaders were instantly killed when a landmine exploded at their foot patrol in Baraki Barak district on Friday, according to a report from Logar province.
  • At least 5 cowardly terrorist invaders were reported to have killed in a deadly clash with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate occurring on Friday, a report says.
  • Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Logar’s Baraki Barak district took out 6 USZ-led cowardly terrorist invaders in a half-hour long fighting on Friday at about 10: 00 am local time. Also on Friday, Mujahideen engaged in a heavy fight lasting about an hour with the enemy elsewhere in this district in which 3 cowardly terrorist invaders were killed and one more got hurt.
  • December 10: Some three cowardly terrorist invaders were killed in a clash with Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in Baraki Barak district of the province on Saturday morning.
  • The cowardly terrorist invaders terrorized the house of helpless civilians in a barbaric night raid, held 12 noncombatant civilians in Baraki Bark district of the province on Friday evening.

  • December 06: Some 6 NATO cowardly terrorist invaders were killed Monday as their patrol got waylaid by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate in the capital of Laghman, Mehterlam city, a report said.
  • December 07: The USZ terrorist invaders’ army base in the capital of Laghman came under Mujahideen attack last night. Several missiles fired by Mujahideen landed in the base, the report indicates but gave no information on the casualties caused to the cowardly terrorist invaders.
  • Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the army post of the puppets’ in the capital of Laghman last night, likely to have caused the enemy deadly losses.
  • December 08: A dozen of the NATO cowardly terrorist invaders were reported dead in a clash with Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in Alingar district of the province last night. The fighting lasted half an hour harming no Mujahideen with the grace of Allah, the report said.
  • A report from Laghman province indicates that Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate waylaid the cowardly terrorist invaders’ supply convoy in the province’s Alingar district destroying a logistical truck inflicting deadly losses and casualties on the enemy on Thursday.
  • December 09: A report from Laghman province indicates Mujahideen took the combined Afghan-NATO camp base under attack with missiles and other heavy arms fire in Alingar district of this province on Thursday, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy.
  • Mujahideen stormed several missiles into the district police headquarter last night in Dawlat Shah District of Laghman, killing 5 NATO cowardly terrorist invaders and 3 of their puppets and wounding two more.
  • On Friday, a report from Laghman province points out some 5 cowardly USZ terrorist invaders were killed in Alingar districts, Laghman province when their tank got targeted by Mujahideen improvised explosives.

  • December 06: A clash was reported to have broken out in Siyagard district of Parwan province between the villagers and local police, caused by Amir Satar, a Police commander of the local police who is the center of concern in the area and has always harassed the civilians of this district and the others area and has caused the sufferings of the villagers, this morning in which three of the puppets of Amir Satar along with his were injured, while a civilians, too, take injury in the hostile fire from the cowardly puppet police.
  • At least 3 missiles fired by Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate landed in Bagram Airbase, in Parwan province on Monday. Though, the magnitude of the losses is yet to be determined.
  • December 10: At least 3 missiles were fired by Mujahideen which hit the military base of the French cowardly terrorist invaders but no losses of life and injury have been reported yet.

  • December 06: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate hit the French cowardly terrorist invaders army base with missiles in Sarubi district of Kabul today. Some three missiles reportedly landed in the base, inflicting deadly losses on the enemy besides killing some 14 French terrorist invaders.
  • December 10: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the regiment of the puppets' in Sarubi, Kabul last night but there are no reports of casualties.
USZ-NATO Terrorist Invaders killed in Afghanistan
  • December 07: Some 2 ANA puppets were killed and another severely wounded yesterday afternoon when a mine in Bala Bolak district detonated on their foot patrol.
  • December 08: There are reports arriving from Farah Rod district of Farah province that ISAF terrorist invaders besieged Zarmardan area after a raid last night. Officials and witnesses from the area say that the cowardly enemy forces initially gathered all the young and old men of the area and tied them with ropes outside in the cold weather and locked up all the women and children in 2 cold rooms. Further details of the crime say that the cowardly terrorist invaders then carried out their search of homes, looting the gold, cash and other valuable items of the locals and also broke the windows of vehicles parked inside and even set some alight. All the rooms were also trashed and defiled by the cowardly terrorist invaders with their dogs. Witness from the crime scene add that after a 24 hour stay, the ISAF terrorists dragged an innocent defenseless civilian (Anar Gul) in front of the people, severely beat him and then inhumanely martyred him (may Allah have mercy on his soul).
  • December 10: A landmine planted by Mujahideen near Karho Khelo Masjid of Farah Rod district obliterated an ANA tank today at 02:00 pm, killing all 7 cowardly puppets onboard.

  • December 07: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate attacked the USZ terrorist forces’ military base in Patan district of the province on Tuesday evening but there are no reports of casualties.
  • The USZ-led cowardly terrorist invaders, in a nighttime raid what is meant to be invasion of the helpless and innocent civilians, blew a house of civilians with bombs as well as destroying their vehicles and other stuck and abducted as many as 80 noncombatant villagers back to their base in Ahmad Khel district of the province last night.
  • December 08: The USZ cowardly terrorist invaders opened fire on the vehicle of noncombat civilians in the capital of Paktia leaving one innocent civilian martyred and 3 more wounded inside the vehicle on Thursday.
  • December 09: A report from Paktia province indicates Thursday some 8 civilians abducted by cowardly terrorist invaders on Wednesday night were released after some investigation in what the innocent civilians had been beaten up and tortured, while their cellular phones, cash and other stuff got snatched before setting them free.
  • On Friday, a roadside bomb blast tore through one of the enemy’s vehicles in Chamkani, Paktia province leaving 4 puppets dead on the spot. 

  • December 07: Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate, in an attack on the enemy convoy carrying fuel to the NATO cowardly terrorist invaders set one of the fuel trucks on fire besides causing the enemy deadly losses.

  • December 10: At least 4 cowardly puppet troops were killed yesterday afternoon during a 1 hour firefight with Mujahideen in Shinkot district center. A Mujahid was also injured in the clash.

  • December 07: Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate in Darwaishan area of Terenkot city shot dead 2 puppet policemen on their way to a nearby check post yesterday at 08:00 pm.
  • An ISAF patrol was struck by a roadside bomb at 03:00 pm near Terenkot city in which an enemy tank was destroyed, killing all 6 cowardly terrorist invaders onboard.
  • At around 04:00 pm today, a mine detonated on a foot patrol of puppet troops in Mirabad area leaving 3 puppet troops dead.
  • December 08: Ghulam Muhayudding, the director of security (national directorate services) of Dahrawod district along with 4 of his body guards were killed yesterday at 04:00 pm when a their vehicle was targeted and destroyed with a parked motorbike packed with explosives as the puppet agent was on his way to his house.
  • An ISAF tank passing through Bala Darwaishan area near Terenkot city was obliterated this afternoon by a landmine, killing all 6 terrorist invaders inside.

  • December 07: Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate detained 4 puppet policemen at midnight in an ambush set up near the enemy check post located near Daraboom district center. Officials said that the weapons and equipment of the enemy personnel were also seized whereas their fate will be decided by the provincial military commission.

  • December 07: Some 6 USZ-NATO cowardly terrorist invaders were killed and 2 more got hurt in landmine blast that set off under the enemy’s armored tank smashing it into pieces in Wardag province’s Chaghto district on Wednesday.
  • December 08: At least 5 USZ-led cowardly terrorist invaders were killed in a powerful roadside bomb attack that targeted the enemy’s armored tank in Wardag province’s Chak district.

  • December 07: A 1 hour clash took place in Qarishan and Asad areas of Awba district this morning when Mujahideen attacked those puppet special forces of ANA who landed in the area to carry out an operation, according to officials who added that 2 puppet troops were killed and another wounded in the resulting firefights.
  • December 08: At least 2 ANA puppets were killed and another 2 wounded last night during a Mujahideen attack on the enemy check post in Rabat-e-Sangi district. 1 Mujahid was also injured in the firefight.
  • December 10: Mujahideen in Rabat-e-Sangi’s Choghaki area ambushed a puppet police military convoy earlier today, killing 3 cowardly puppets and wounding another 2 whereas several enemy vehicles were also damaged.

  • December 08: Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate carried out an armed attack on a police check post, located in Dankot area of the provincial capital last night. It is said that 2 puppet policemen were killed in the 1 hour attack while 3 others were severely wounded.
  • Mujahideen of Islamic Emirate shot and destroyed a cell phone tower of Etisalat company last night in Gosfandi district after repeated warnings.
  • December 10: Officials from the northern province of Saripul say that cowardly ISAF terrorist invaders carried out a raid on civilian homes, located near Sayedabad district center last night during which the inhumane terrorist invaders martyred a defenseless local and detained 3 others which include a white bearded elder and a local mosque imam.

Pakistan Cyber Force

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