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Friday, September 2, 2011

Turkey freezes military ties, kicks out Israhell envoy after Gaza Flotilla report

Turkey has decided to downgrade its diplomatic ties with Israhell to the lowest possible level, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said on Friday, following Israhell's continued refusal to apologize for a 2010 raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla. The findings of a UN probe into Israhell's deadly raid on a 2010 flotilla to Gaza known as the Palmer Commission Report, which were leaked to The New York Times Thursday, have further raised tensions between Israhell and Turkey, and senior Foreign Ministry officials warned that Turkey could respond to the report's publication by expelling the Israhelli ambassador and scaling back diplomatic relations. Ahmet Davutoğlu,Recep Tayyip Erdogan,Benjamin Netanyahu. Speaking to reporters on Friday, Davutoglu announced the downscale of diplomatic relations with Jerusalem, saying the move was a direct response to Israhell's refusal to apologize for the deaths of nine Turkish nationals in the May 2010 raid.
( The Nation )

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