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Friday, February 10, 2012

Pakistan & Red Roza-e-Rasool (s.a.ww) - Rise of Caliphate

Syed Safdar Ali Ahmad saw a dream a few days after Pakistan's creation. In his dream, he saw:
“An innocent child was standing with me whose name was Pakistan. He was wearing a bright white dress while standing beside a male saint. After sometime I came to know that the saint was none other than Hazrat Khwaja Khizar (a.s) and he was giving instructions to the innocent child. Although I was standing nearby, yet I couldn't hear what words were being exchanged between the mighty saint and Pakistan, however the lips of both could be seen moving. After sometime, Hazrat Khwaja Khizar (a.s) advised me to stay with Pakistan wherever he goes, and with this being said, he vanished from my sight.

When I looked back up again, I was shocked to see that we were standing in a thick frightening forest. Huge mountains were surrounding us along with several rocks and deep canyons. Not even a single narrow foot way could be seen ahead. However, Pakistan started walking and automatically out of nowhere, a broad and concrete road began to emerge on its own ahead of him. It appeared as if just like a rolled carpet, the road was being unfolded on its own. I then realized that Pakistan was racing its way ahead like a speedy car would do on that road, and with the same speed the mountains, the forest and all the canyons were rushing backwards.

After traveling a long distance forward, both of us entered a broad field and there we saw the Roza-e-Mubarak of Holy Prophet (s.a.ww) in front of us whose color was red instead of green at that time (perhaps due to the massive massacre of Muslims worldwide as well as inhumane atrocities on non-Muslims at the hands of their Zionist rulers). I saw that between the Roza-e-Mubarak of Holy Prophet (s.a.ww) and both of us, there was flowing an extremely agile and angry river. It's waves seemed like little cliffs which emerged and then smashed against each other before disappearing. Once there, we came to know that our destination is Roza-e-Mubarak of Holy Prophet (s.a.ww) and both of us have to go there.

I told Pakistan that I will drown in this agile river because I can't swim. However Pakistan told me that he will reach his destination at any cost. Having said that, he performed Wazoo and jumped right into the river. High waves would lift him up at first, and then throw him back down but Pakistan wouldn't stop. He swam his way like a professional swimmer through the agile river waves and continued advancing towards his destination, till he disappeared from my sight.

When I turned back, there was a group of saints worshiping God Almighty. One of those saints addressed me taking my name and said, "Should we tell you a good news?" When I keenly nodded, the saint said, "Your companion Pakistan has reached the Roza-e-Mubarak of Rasool Allah s.a.w safely. He was a bit forlorn but when Holy Prophet (s.a.ww) gently put his blessed hand on his back, he forgot all sadness and became happy". Upon hearing this, I felt overjoyed that my companion reached Roza-e-Mubarak (s.a.ww) safely. I strongly wished at that point in time that had I been with him too, I would also see Holy Prophet (s.a.ww) and bless my eyes.

When I advanced a little further, I saw a village. As I came out through its vast streets, I reached an unusually vast lush green meadow in which I saw Holy Prophet (s.a.ww) was standing. He was wearing a brilliant bright white dress, and in his right blessed hand he was carrying the sun, and he had that hand raised high above in the air. In front of Holy Prophet (s.a.ww), Pakistan was standing with his hands tied in front of him in respect. I also went over to him and stood beside him with my hands tied in front of myself in respect of Rasool Allah (s.a.ww).

When I revealed this dream of mine to another male saint, he told me that when he did Istikhara about Pakistan, he saw that when the time comes, Pakistan's boundaries will expand tremendously. It will become the most powerful state of the world and a government on the model of Khilafat-e-Rashida will be established here.
Seerat-un-Nabi (s.a.ww) Baad Az Wasal-un-Nabi (s.a.ww)
Written by M. Abdul Majeed Siddique Advocate, Volume 7, Waqiya 313, Page 185, 186.

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