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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Iran about to cut all ties with United Kingdom

Read on Pakistan Cyber Force Facebook Page

The National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Iranian Parliament (Majlis) has decided to sever all ties with the United Kingdom. A member of the commission Mohammad Karami-Rad told on Sunday that lawmakers had voted after hours of deliberation to fully cut ties with Britain. "Members of the commission brought up very important and serious issues [in their Sunday meeting] regarding a single-urgency motion to sever ties with Britain", said the parliamentarian.

Iranian lawmaker Mohammad Karami-Rad

"The commissioners also condemned recent remarks by the British ambassador to Tehran (Simon Gass) and reviewed the British government's other hostile acts throughout history against our country", said the lawmaker. He said the motion will be put to a final vote by all lawmakers before it is approved.

Enticing Fury

Pakistan Cyber Force

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